The move

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Harry ~age 19~

  I walked into the now empty room. I'm going to miss the fun we had together? Yes. Am I going to cry? Definitely. I walk back down stairs to see my sister standing in front of the door.

"That's the last of it." She said with a weaken smile.

"I'm going to miss you." I said pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"Harry please don't cry, I will only be two hours away. When ever I get the chance I promise to call or stop by." She pulling away.

"Be safe kid." I said missing up her pink hair.

"I will. I love you." She said grabbing her luggage and walking out to her car.

"I love you too!" I yelled from the door with a wave.

She waved as she pulled out of the park way and down the road to her new home.

"Don't grow up to face Y/N/N." I said before closing the door and walking into the living room.

How the quietness is going to kill me.

Y/N pov

I didn't want to live home, but it was time for me to make the big move.  After biding Harry one last wave I drove in the direction of my home.

Where everything is already set and put away.

I drove down the road blasting my music to get past the time.

I took a deep breath as I pulled into the driveway of my home.

This is so much for a teenager. I turned the engine of my car off grabbed my bags and walked inside.  I put my bags down and started to walk around.

I was amazing at the back yard. It wasn't much grass, but the pool and the lawn seats made up for it. 

Smiling to myself I walked up stairs to check out the ready of the place.

I have at least ten bed rooms, three baths each with a Jacuzzi tub, two living areas, and a den. And the Master bedroom is amazing.

This is all so overwhelming. It's all to much take in.

I walked back down to the main  living  room and sat on the sofa. Thinking about how this all just all of a sudden happen.

A promotion and now a huge home. This is a real blessing.

As much as I hate to say it love that I moved out and have my own place, but I'm going to miss having Harry, Mum, and Gemma around all the time.

Maybe they could all come over for a couple days it will be just like when we all were growing up up under the same roof.

This should be fun.

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