There For Me Too

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Harry ~age 25~

Y/N pov

"Alright guys I'm off." Louis said sticking his head in the door from the foyer. "Can you bring me some crisp back please?" question Fizzy.  "Umm, yeah sure love." said Louis looking a little upset.

He walked out if the door with posters and signs. When we heard his car engine roar life that's when we began to talk.

"Okay Y/N, what's the plan for today?" "Well, the girls are going to dress as cheerleaders, but not in actual cheer uniforms. We have black shorts and I got jerseys mad with his number and name on them for everyone." I said getting the bag from behind the couch.

I gave everyone their jersey including the guys then we all walked up stairs to get changed

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I gave everyone their jersey including the guys then we all walked up stairs to get changed.

"I feel bad that he thinks we forgot about his big match tonight." I said as I pulled the shorts up around my waist. "Me too. Did you you see the look he hand on his face when Fizzy her to bring her bag crips?" Lottie question.

"He looked so hurt and cute at the same time." I said with a soft small. "Y/N when will you tell him you like him?" Daisy question walking into the room with Pheobe as her side.

"Are you girls ready?" question Harry sticking his head in the door with his hand over his eyes. "It's safe Haz and yes we are ready." I said with a giggle.

We walked out of the room and out to our cars where Fizzy, Pheobe, and Daisy are with me, the twins are with Lottie and the boys are trail behind in their cars.

We drove to the stadium which was full do to the fan of both football and Louis.

After finding some where to park we all met up at the entrance. I walked over to the girl at the  ticket and concession stand.

"Hey Destiny." "Hey Y/N follow me. The are about to call the the visiting team." Destiny said walking from behind the counter and walking us to the part if the stadium where the teams come out.

Once we made it out the National Anthem starts and we all sung along to it. We stood where Lou couldn't see first quarter of the game here goes nothing.

Louis pov

I can't believe they forgot. The biggest night of my life. After the National Anthem both teams walked out to the field to shake hands. Then the game began.

One if my team mates got the ball and kicked it over to me.

I dribble the ball the kicked it into the goal. "Let's go Louis!" I heard yelling coming from the crowd. "You've got this!"  familiar voice yelled.

I look over to see my siblings my mates and the girl I love the most. I smiled from ear to ear. They didn't forget they came to surprise me. The things that your loved ones do for you.

It's finally half time the teams gather around in the side lines to get a break and some water. I walked over to where everyone was standing.

"You guys came. I thought you all forgot." "We couldn't have, but Y/N wanted to do something special for you for the big night." Harry said. "You did?" "Yes. I got shirts made." She said turning around so I could see my name and a number on it.

"Thank you." I said pulling her into a hug. I couldn't tell her about my feels nor how I thought of us being together. "Tomlinson back to the field." The couch calls.

I pulled out of the hug which felt like forever. I hated to let go, but there's game I have to get you.

*Last part of the game*

The last part of the game. The girls screams filled my ears with crowd. I whipped from my forehead, but can be easily mistaken for seat.

The game is tied all we need is one point and we when the game. The spot I stood in was  When I got the ball I hesitated a sec.  I finally kicked the ball in the goal.

It's like everything and everyone slowed down. The thunder booms as the ball hits the net of the goal. It went in we win the game. My teammates ran over hugged me as the ran came down harder.

Y/N pov

I could say that my throat was sorry from all the cheering, but came to so my support. I cheer again as the ball went into the net.

The rain came harder. Everything was soaked, but who cares.

I smiled as Lou was in a huge hutle with his team. When he finally came out he ran over to the side line. His lips came crashing down on mine.

A kiss in the rain is so cliche, but it was my cliche.

We both pulled back for air. "You don't know how long I waited to do that." Louis said. "And you don't how long I've been waiting." I said with a huge smile on my face.

"It's about time." Harry said. He knew about the cruch. Well all of them did. "Y/N Styles?" "Yes Louis Tomlinson?" "Well you be my girlfriend?" "Yes." I said placing another kiss on his lips.

Louis grabbed my hand as we walked back into the stadium and out to our cars.

Lou rode with me of course. He insisted on driving, but I wouldn't let him because of the game he just played. "Y/N I love you." said Louis taking my hand as I continue to focus on the road.

"I love you too." I said with a shit eating grin on my face. This night couldn't be any better.

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