Brother Harry and Sister Y/N

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Harry ~age 18~

Y/N Pov

  You know how you play those games at the mall or at a pizza place where you win a free prize like a teddy bear or just random things.  Well I hit the jackpot when I played.

I won  the best brother anyone could ask for. Harry Styles. He maybe over protective, and annoying, but that's what makes him, him. "Hey Y/N I need your help  with what outfit I should wear tonight." He said as I walk past his room. "Ok, what do ypu have in mind?" I question walking in a hoping on his bed.

"Well I have this Gucci suit and this saint laurent. Which one should wear?" He question. "Umm, you look good in both. Since  I have to choose I sat Gucci. What is this for any way?" "Well we have to attend a show tonight and by we I mean you and I so go get dressed. Your dress is in you closet." I just nod and walk to my room.

A show to attend and why me? I mean he could have let me know a head of time.

Harry Pov

   The thing is I didn't have a date so why not take my little sister to a red carpet event. After I was done with everything I waited paitently for Y/N to finish. I was in awe as she walked down the long stairway.

And that's when it hit me that Y/N is longer a baby she is a growing woman.  "Harry stop gawking at me like that." Y/N said in a southern accent.  I smiled as we walked out of the house and to the show.

*Red carpet*


nterviewer: Hi Harry.

Me: Hello, how are you?

Interview: I'm good. So you bring your sister as a date tonight. How does she feel about all of this?

Me:  Yes I'M here with sister Y/N.


/N Pov

After doing several interview about brother Harry. I enjoyed the show that raised money to donateto a cancer center for children.  I even got talk which was very nerve-wrecking.  I enjoyed my night with brother Harry as the interviewer calls  him.

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