Prank war

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Harry ~age 18~

Y/N p.o.v

Me being me I loved to prank Harry and with him being busy with the movie and me busy with my work I haven't plan to do anything to him,but today is different. I sat on my bed looking at the plan i had written down two weeks ago. This is so perfect. "Now where can I get washable paint from? Office depot." I said out loud. I put on my shoes grabbed my keys an walked out to my car. This prank is gonna be the best. After got my paint I made a quick pit stop at Starbucks, got Lorena and drove back home. "Ok what's the plan?"Lorena asked. "I'm gonna play dead with blood which is the paint all over me, and the walls and since you did drama in high school you are gonna be cry while holding my lifeless body in your arms." I said. "How are you gonna "get kill"?" She asked emphasizing the kill. "L, I'm a makeup arisit I gonna make bullet holes in my body." I said running off to get my makeup done. Once I as finshed I walked down to put the bloody hand prints in the walls. Then I put my feet into the paint and lead a trail to the kitchen I washed the paint off then opened the windows. Lorena drove my car back the her place and came back in her car. "What time is Haz coming home?" She asked. "In 2 minutes." I said laying on the floor then Lorena pick me up. Here goes nothing.

Harry p.o.v

I'm on my way home from a long day of filming. I have tried to call Y/N,but she's not picking up. I pulled into the drive way of my house to see Lorena car in the pathway. I got out and walked inside to see blood stains on the wall and bloody footprints leading to the kitchen where the window is open and Lorena is holding Y/N in her arms crying. " happen to her l?" I asked. "She was about to make dinner when some guy shot at her through the window came in stole her car keys and took the car." She explained through her tears. "How did you find her?" I asked now crying. "I had been trying to contact her all day,but never got and answer so came over to see blood everywhere." She said. "What about the cars how did you know about that?" I asked now crying. "He left a note." She said. "I can't believe it she is gone so soon." I said. "I'm sorry Haz." She said. "For what it a not your fault that she killed." I said. "That you have been pranked!" Y/N yelled jumping up and hugging me. "I thought you were dead you are gonna pay for this." I said before walking out I of the kitchen and up to the San where I hid my plan for Y/N for a month. Good luck with your next prank Y/N .

A/N: Book 3 yay I finally made my mind up so here it is. Please don't forget to

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