Take Care Pt. 1

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Harry ~age 22~

I was 3 when I got adopted by the Styles family. I never knew about my real parent or why they gave me up, but I always wanted to know. The only thing I have is a locket that I was given at birth with a wedding picture of them inside.

"Rachel come down stairs I have something to talk to you about!" Mum yelled from the foyer of my home. I climbed out of my bed put in my Nike slides and walked down stairs. "Hey Mum." I said plopping down on the couch beside her.

"Hey Rach, Harry and Gemma are on they're way." She said fumbling with the invalope in her hands. "Mum are you okay?" "Y-Yes I just have to tell you something." "Mum you're scaring me. Can you just tell me?" "Okay, your biological parents past away last night, I woke up this morning to find this in my post box." said Mum giving me the invalope.


To our dearest daughter Rachel, we are your parents Jacob and Marie Martin. We know that you are wondering why we have you up at birth. So here it is. Before you were born your father and I made a deal with these people, we couldn't afford to pay the back so they wanted you in return.

Your father and I didn't want you to go with them so we told them that you didn't make it through the birth, but in reality we have you up to an adoption center. They soon came to find out that we lied about everything. They searched all over America for you, but the adoption sent you overseas.

We chose not to know what country, for your own safety. Many years later we gave birth to your little brother Ryan L. Martin. The cancerous group didn't know about Ryan until now.

We knew that soon that they would find us, we need you to do us a favor take care of your brother for us we love you Marie and Jacob Martin.

P.s. Ryan is 3 years of age. Take care and we love you both so dearly.

*End of Letter*

"What? Mum I can't take of a child not now. Why would they do this to me? Who are these people?" "Rachel, baby calm down you can do this, you are smart and strong you can do this. Plus Harry and Gemma are on the way from the airport with him." said Mum.

I took a deep breath as I heard the doors of the car close. "That's them." Mum said and I nod. "And this is your new home where our sister lives." Gemma said I took a deep breath and walk into the foyer to meet them. "Is she nice?" Ryan tiny voice question. "Well, I like to think so. I'm Rachel Ana Styles. And you are?" I question stooping do to his level.

"I'm Ryan Lee Martin." He said gripping his teddy bear tighter and shying away. "It okay I'm not going to hurt you I'm you big sister, and this is you sister Gemma, your brother Harry and your Mum Anne. And we are all very nice. Is it okay if I get a hug?" I question with a smile.

He nodded and slowly makes his way over to me. I know that this going to be hard, but I can do this.

Harry Pov

I know that this is all going to be new to Rach, but we all are going to help her through this. I watched as she talked and got to know Ryan and I start to notice that they both have similarities.

"Harry do you want to go get pizza?" "Yes sure." I said as we all walked back to the foyer to get our shoes on. Well this is going to be a good way for Ryan to warm up to us.

*Months Later*

Y/N Pov

"Hey Ryan how was school?" I asked. "It was good. I got a gold star on my work sheet because i passed my test." "Really that's good buddy." I said messing up is blonde hair.

As we began to walk home I feel as if someone is following me. I turned around to make sure no one was following us and there is no one there. I'm just being paranoid, maybe because of the murders that are happening.

We quickly made it home but I still don't feel safe.

I sat my books down on the counter and pulled Ry into a hug.

"Want to watch Gossip girl with me?" I said joking to lift the burden off of me.

"Ew, no." Ry ran off into another room as I grabbed the remote.

A glass shattered moments later.

"Ryan." No answer. "Ryan!"

"Poor, Ryan. He broke a glass and fell on it, but it's ok. He's sleeping now."

A talk, overbearing man came from around the corner with my baby brother's limped body.

"Do what I say and your brother lives. But, I don't know if you might live though."

To be continued ...

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