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Harry ~age 19~

I'm the good girl that everyone knows.  I never sneak out. I don't go to parties, I don't get drunk. I rather just stay in reading or studying, but tonight everything changes. "So what book are you going to read tonight?" Harry asked as we sat at outside soaking up some sun.

"Nothing, umm, I was wondering if I could go out with Y/B/F/N?" I looked over at him to prepare myself as he says no. "Yeah sure, cause I was starting to think you have no social life." Harry said looking at my through his glasses. "Well, okay we are leaving at 6. What time should I be at home?" I question closing my eyes again.

"Bye 11. If you come home any later you will be grounded . Understood?" "Understood."  I said standing from the sit to go get dressed with Harry behind me.

*An hour Later *

After showering, getting  dressed, and doing my make up I texting Y/B/F/N to let her know I was ready.  I walked down stairs to see Harry sitting on the sofa in his phone. "Hey Haz how do I  look?" I question.  Harry looked up at me fixing my brown hair over my shoulders . "You look good, but since are dressed like that, your curfew is now 9 no later than." He said looking back at his phone.

I rolled my eyes and continued to what for Y/B/F/N. 4 minutes later I hear a car horn outside of my house. I grabbed my phone and purse than told Harry goodbye than walked out to Y/B/N/F car. "By have fun, but not to much fun!" Harry yelled before we pulled out of the parkway.

      *Hours Later*

Harry Pov

  It's now 12am. That means it's now  been 5 hour, 55 minutes,  and 30 seconds. I paced across the floor, having a difficult time keeping my mind on trying to get some rest.

My thoughts seem to lead back to Y/N and where she  was. If she was hurt, is she alive, or is dead.  But, the worst cross my mind. If she was dead, what will the newspaper say? Jesus, I'm starting to sound like my mother.

Beep. My phone lit up across the room.

You have been added to the 1D Band Fam.

Liam: guess how I just seen

Lou: that Fucking hairline?

Niall: broooooo

Me: what the hells bro. My sister is missing and your talking about. Liam missing hairline?!

Liam: well damn I was going to say I saw Y/N at 99 cent store before y'all roasted my hairline

Me: what was she doing

Lou: hunting elephants what the duck tpye of question is that

Niall: well I thought she was buying condoms

Me: what was she doing Liam

Liam: she was just standing there talking to Y/BF/N and laughing they got in their car and drove away

Harry Styles BSM BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now