Hotel (Zayn Part 3)

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Harry ~age 22~

Carmen Pov

I know something was wrong with Y/N when she whipped tears from her face on stage. I pulled into the parkway of the hotel and turned the engine of the car off. Y /N sigh and got out.

I followed behind her into the hotel and into her room. "Do you want to talk about it?" I question sitting down. She nod her head unable to get words out. Then she took a deep breath and began talking.

"Well Zayn and I started dating when they were first formed as band on the X factor. We kept it a secret from everyone. Harry soon came to find out about it because Zayn and I would as was act weird around each other." I nod for to continue.

"Well one day we all were going to have fun because they had a couple of days home.  I was standing in my room getting dressed when. He just stood at the door with his head down."

She stopped for a minute. Tears seemed to stopped glowing as she stated up at the ceiling. "Zayn walked around the room gathering his things. I asked and asked why he was leaving. He just looked at me and with little emotion he just said he love me."

She finished with her tears covering her face.

The words flooded my mind with  wonder. "Did he say why he left?" I questioned just before the door to the hotel opened to a wet Harry.

"No excuses. I know why you are." Harry said coming into the room. He lifted Y/N of the couch and dragged her to him.

"I know you're hurt. I also know that you still love him. I know the feeling. It hurts to see the person you love for years with some else." He kissed her for head as He she liad stuff in his arms.

"I didn't know they were there. All the emotions  can back when I saw her. Gigi looked better than me in everyway. She's a 10. I'm a 5. I have nothing. She has him. She have gave his world. That world was mine." She melted him into his arms.

"But she ain't you. She don't have you heart of gold or your warm smiles or chess jokes. She's not you. You wasn't the one that lost something good. He was. He might have all the things you left in that relationship, but you have the good memories. Don't let him take those too." Harry said to her and picked her up.

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