Secretly a Royal Pt 3

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Harry ~age 16~

Last time in secretly a royal, The lads found out that Y/N is the Princess of Costa Luna.  Y/N mother is getting married to Genral Kane. Kane want Y/N to come home to be apart of their royal wedding.  The boys and their families helps plans a homecoming dance for Y/N to help her feel like a normal teenage girl. Gemma comes up with a plan with the royal dress maker Senòr Raphael. Will Raphael tell Kane where Y/N is? Will Rosálindá of Costa Luna  marry General Kane or will something come out that will change the way she think of him. Let's found out.

Y/N pov

Today is the day of the homecoming dance I made my decision to go home so I can support my mum in what she wants for her. I'm sitting my in room painting my nails for later on tonight. "Y/N come down here I have something for you!" Gemma yelled. "Coming!" I yelled back I got out of my bed and walking out of the door. Once I was down stairs to see, Lottie, Ruth, Lou, Fizzy,Nicola, and Denise. "Girls what's going on?" I asked sitting on on the floor in fornt of all of them. "We have yo u dress." Lottie said as Gemma opened a box "Here's a letter from Senór Raphael." Lou said

Dearest Princess,I have made you dress for your royal homecoming dance enjoy yourself princess.  All the love as always..-Raphael.

That's so sweet of Ralphto do that.  "Wow they are beautiful." Ruth said. "I want to thank you girls for everything since I've been here." I said. "Your welcome,but don't get all soft on us it's time to get ready for your homecoming."Nicola said helping me up off the floor. Time for me to get dressed. Once I was done with my bath Lou did my hair and Fizzy did my make up. Now it Gemma turn.

Gemma pov

Once we were done it was my turn to get dressed. Once I was done with everything Lottie did my hair and Lou did my make up once they were done Y/N place and tiara on my head. "What is this for?" I asked. "You are truly a princess now, Gemma Styles. You rightfully deserve this.You're becoming a princess on the inside and now you look like one too.Thank you for helping me today. A princess doesn't know who her true friend is. Today I am sure. You Gemma are my tire best friend." She said hugging me. "Thank you so much Y/N,it's really been a journey living with you."I said  "Let's get to the party shall we." She said about to walk out the door. "Wait Princess out this on every girl at the party is wearing one tonight." I said giving her the mask. Once she put it in I looped arms with her and walked out my room to meet the other girls who was already in the limo.

Skipping to the Party

Harry pov

The girls just came in about 30 minutes ago and Y/N is really enjoying herself. I walked into the stage as it is time to give the Homecoming Queen her crown. "If I can have everyone's attention it's time to announce the homecoming queen. Your 2k16 homecoming queen is Y/N Styles." I said and everyone clapped as Y/N walked on stage. She really looks beauitful tonight.

Y/N pov

I walked into stage as everyone clapped for me. Harry took my real tiara off and repleased it with another. ". Since I've been here I've learned many wonderful things..... but most importantly I learned about friendship and loyalty and trust. And those are things that are not just given but things we must earn. So I want to thank Gemma and Harry Styles  for teaching me these things. And for being my friend.Gemma , you have to stay out of this. I have a duty to my people and that is something you can never understand. I loved living in England and I wish my life could be like this everyday. But this is not reality. You think my life as a princess is some fairytale? This here is a fairytale and I cannot hide here anymore. Soon I'll be queen of Costa Luna. My country needs me." I said walking off the stage to look for Gemma. I have been seaching the crowd and asking if anyone had her,but they have. I final decided to check the top of the building and what I see shocks me.

To be continued....

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