A Good First Day

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~This BSM is for starwarsfan20 I hope you enjoy.~

Harry ~age 10~

Harry pov

Nervousness ran through my body as we pulled into the school. This is Natalie's first day going to a different school. A couple of months ago we found out that Natalie has autism.

Autism is a development disorder characterized by troubles with social interaction and communication by restricted and repetitive behavior.

After many therapy visits Mum, Gemma, and I made the decision to sign Natalie up for a school that helps with special needs children. I looked in the review mirror to see her playing with her doll.

I turned the engine of the car off got out walked to the back seat to get Natalie out. "Okay love remember this is a new school so you have to make new friends." I said as was I held her hand walking to the school gate. 

"Harry I don't wanna go what if they don't like me and don't want to be my friend?" questions Natalie. "Then that's okay, just be you then and they will love you." I said as we walked through the colorful building.

As we made it to her class room my heart starting to beat a little faster then normal. How was she going to act at a different school?  "It's okay Mister Styles she's in good hands." Natalie's teacher reinsured me as if she could read my mind.

"Natalie give your brother a hug and then you can join the others for play time." Natalie hugged me and walked inside the room. I smiled a little as she put her backpack into a cubby and walked to where the dolls were.

"Mister Styles she is going to be fine. At the end of the day (Pun intended.) the children as a notebook that I will tell how they behavior was so don't worry to much. School ends at 3:00."  "Thank you." I said before walking out of the classroom and back out to my car. I don't know why I'm so worried any way.

Natalie pov

I walked over to the center where the dolls are. I was the only one there and I'm happy about it. The other kids play together with smiles on there face as I sat the table with the Barbie in my hand.

"Hey I'm Josie do you mind if I joined you." "No, I'm Natalie by the way." I said as she sat across from me. "Why are you here?" Josie questions. "Well, I have Autism. And you?"  "Me too. I hat it people treat me differently you know." She said.

"Well, me family told me to think of it as a super power then a disability then everything will be okay."  I said with a smile that usually I would have to force.  The rest of the day Josie and I sat together I was worried for nothing.

*Skipping to End Of The day*

Harry pov

I wait patiently for Natalie to come out of her room. I smiled as she came out of the room with a little blonde hair girl at her side. I walked up to them. "Who's your friend Natalie?" "This is Josie. And got a smile face today." "Nice to meet you Josie." I said shaking her hand.

"Josie come on love we have to go." "Bye Natalie." Josie said before running off. "Bye Josie." Talie said as we walked to my car. "Here's my notebook." said Natalie as I started the car. I smiled as I seen a smile face for today.

"Well, good good behavior can't go I unawarded." I said giving her back the book. "Where are we going?" "To the toy store to get you a gift." I said starting in the direction of Toy's R US.

We made it Natalie screams in excitement. I laughed and got her out with me. We walked inside to see row and rows of toys. "Go get anything you want." I said. I smile as she ran down the aisle contain the dolls and tea sets.

"Which Barbie do you want?" "Astronaut Barbie." Another to add to her collection of Barbies. "Can I get the pink tea set?" "Yes love." I said getting it from the top shelf.

Natalie has the hugest smile on her face as walked to the cash out section to pay for the toys. After giving the cashier the money we walked back out to my car and started home. Time for a tea party.

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