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Harry ~age 20~

Y/N pov

   Here I am sitting in a circle at a slumber party at Harry's and I shared home with my four best friends. I know what you're thinking how can twenty year olds still have a slumber party. Well its just something we do. We are asking each-other questions that have to answer. I sat and watch Regina spined the bottle. 'Please don't land on me, please don't land on me.'  I thought the bottle came to a stop. Me. "My question to you Y/N is who are you crushing on?" Regina asked. Oh God.  "Be honest love." Shaunie said laughing. "Fine." I signed. "I'm crushing on Louis Tomlinson." I said looking down trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing.  "Omg, that's your brothers best mate." Michaela said. "I know, but he is so cute." I said blushing yet again. "I dare you to text him and tell him how you feel." Jordan said. "No I can't." I said shaking my head. "Do it, do it, do it." They chanted. "Fine, I'll do it." I Said taking out my phone and going to Louis' name. "I can't believe that your going to confess her love to him." Regina said.  Well here goes nothing.

Louis POV

     I sat at the restaurant booth with the rest of the lads and wait for our food to come. "I'm glad we can do this again." I said smiling. "Yeah, it feels like the good old days." Niall said. We all agreed. We met at Nandos hours ago to have dinner. We talked about random things just like old times. "So I have an sin-" I started but my phone went off. It was a text from Y/N. "What where you saying mate?" Harry asked as the food came out.  "That I have a single coming out with Bebe Rexha. Excuse me." I said get up and walking to the rest room. I opened the text.


: look please don't hate me. It was a dare. I have a crush on you for a couple of years. I am sorry I'm telling you now, but it was a dare. Please forgive me.

I was shooked.  I didn't reply but just walked back to meet the lads to finish our food. Once we ate we paid,left a tip and we all went back to Harry's place. We walked in and joined the girls in the living room. "Y/N I can talk to you please?" I asked before walking into the kitchen with her right behind. She sat on the counter.  "Look Louis about that tex-" She started, but I cut her off with a kiss. She opened her legs so I could come between them to deepen kiss. "Get some!" We both pulled back to see the girls and the lads stand at the door. I smiled and Y/N hide her face in my neck. "Come on guys let's give them some privacy."  Liam said smiling at me and I mouth a thank you. "They're gone now." I said looking down at her. "Thank God." She said still blushing. "Y/N will be my girl friend?" I asked. "Yes,you don't know how long I have been waiting to hear that." She said and cheers came from behind the door. We walked back into the living room and joined our crazy friend.


   I cuddled into Louis side as Harry put in a movie. This is what I dream about for so long this the best slumber party I have ever had all thanks to my crazy ass  friends.

Harry POV

   I didnt say anything because I trust Louis with Y/N because they have had an crush in each other every since they had met. I sat on the couch across from where they sat, I looked over at them cuddling. I'm so Happy for them both.

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