Slumber Party

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Harry ~age 19~

I'm have a sleepover with my best friends. I just called in an pizza order. I'm currently getting everything set up in the living area. "Wow,looks like y'all gonna have fun." Harry said walking into in with a bottle of water in his hand. "We are and harry please don't do anything to mess it up." I said place in the food and drinks on a table. "Awe,come in sis I wouldn't do anything like that." He said. "Okay I'll take your word on it." I said as I walked over to the telly stand to get remote for the smart TV. I put it on Netflix as a knock came in the door. "Go,Go,Go the girls are here." I said pushing Harry off to his room. I ran to the door and open it. "Y/N!!" They yelled. "Girls!"  I yelled as I pulled them into a hug. Once we all let go we walked inside and began our slumber party. "So what's first girls truth or dare, prank calls,movies, makeovers?" Serenity asked. "Umm, truth and dare." Makayla said. "I'll get the bottle. " I said running off to get the bottle once I came back I sat in the middle of the girls that's now in a circle. "Me first." Jojo said spinning the bottle and it landed on Gracie. "Truth or dare?" Jojo asked. "Dare duh." She said. "I dare you to eat 20 green peppers without drinking water." She said. "Dare taken." She said walking into the kitchen and we walked behind her. She walked to the fridge to get the peppers. "Ready....go" I said and she started to eat the pepper. One, Two, Three, four, five ,six, seven ,eight,nine. Once she was done she put them back in the fridge and we all walked back in to the game. One we were done with truth or dare we did  or make up and now on to prank calling.

 One we were done with truth or dare we did  or make up and now on to prank calling

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"So girls who should we prank call first?" I asked. "Umm... Lets do my fad first." Makayla said pulling out her phone and dialing her dad up privately. After the phone ringer for the third time. "Ello" "Yes is this Mr.Wilson?" "This is he." "I'm so glad I got in touch with you." "Umm who is this?" "This your daughter doctor. I just wanted to give her the news about her pregnancy." "She's  what?! When did she go to the doctor?"  "About 5 months ago."  "Gracie is in so much trouble. I will never let her out the house and when the baby is born she is going to pay the price. Me and her mother is never watching it." "I should also tell you that this is a prank dad." He didn't say anything and all we heard was the dial tone. "I have the perfect person to call." I said giving to Misty my phone. "Call Liam and tell him that your want a ransom of €27,000,000. "Hello."  "Liam payne. We have something of yours. Your band mates sister, y/n. We want €27,000,000 and if we don't have it by 11:59 p.m., we will send her head back." "How do i know you got her?" "Liam please help me. Please." "Okay. About to help you just wait." Misty hang up and we all laughed.

Harry p.o.v

"Harry. Y/n is missing." Niall yelled over the phone. I smiled and laughed. "Y/n is downstairs. She and her were playing pranks on you. "How should we get them back?" Lou said coming on the other line. "I got you, fam. " I said hanging up the phone .

To be continued...

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