Aspin Styles

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Harry ~age 24~

Harry Pov

Aspin Styles  that her name. Soon to be here. I sat in the kitchen with my little sister and the mother of my niece.  "So when does Elyse have her baby?" I question standing put her some pancakes on a plate. "A couple months after Aspin is born."

"Are you ready?"

"Yes I just can't wait to hold her in my arms."

"Yeah me too, what time is the baby shower?"

"At 12:30." She said bitting into the pancake. I just nod and put pancakes on my plate. I sat by Y/N I watched as she start to pick with her food. "What's wrong Y/N/N?"

"Hazza, what if I'm not gonna be a good mum? What if i don't raise Aspin right? What i-."

"Hey, hey calm down Y/N. You're gonna be the best mum out there. Don't worry Aspin is gonna love you. Now stop your worrying and got get dressed." I said helping her out of the seat. I clean the kitchen as she walked up stair. Once I was done I walked up stairs to do the same.

Y/N Pov

Ten minutes we have ten minutes to get to the get the the civic center for the baby shower. I just finished getting dressed now I'm  down stair waiting for Harry to get finished.

"Harry are you just about done!?" I yelled to the top of the stair. "Yes. I'm coming." He said. I could hear his room door close. "Let's go love." said Harry as we both walking out of the front door to his car. The ride  to the center wasn't that long.

Once Harry parked he got out opened the door so he could help me out. Being that I am nine months pregnant it is kinda hard for me. Once we where inside we was greeted by everyone. I walked over to the table where my best friend, mum, and sister sat.

"You girls look beautiful." I said sitting down beside Mum. "So do you. How is the baby?" question Mum placing her hand on my stomach rubbing it.

"She moving all the time it's really get hard for me to sleep at night. I just can't wait for her to come home." I said. "Me too she is going to be so spoiled." Gemma said with excitement.

Mum, Gemma, Elyse and I continue to talk until I excuse myself to thank everyone for coming.  I walked over to get the microphone. "Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate the comings of baby Aspin. This really means so much to me. Thank you once again." I said.

I returned the mic to the stand then went over to talk to Harry and our cousin. "Hey Y/N." "Hey how have you been?" "Good. Thanks for asking." Within 30 minutes into the conversation I start to feel sharp pains but i thought nothing of it.

I joined Mum, Harry and Gemma at one of the tables as El started one of the baby shower games. I left El  in charge of the games and she decide on doing a word game 'like wheel of fortune' in her word so i let her. I still felt the pains so I tried rubbing my belly to get Aspin to calm down.

"Y/N are you okay?" question Harry.  I just nodded. I plastered a smile on my face and watched as everyone played the game. Soon enough I start to feel water run down my leg another contraction.  I start to breathe in sharp breaths as the pain worsen. 

"Aspin is coming." I whispered to Harry. "What?" "Aspin is coming!" I yelled. "That's right Y/N."  "No I think she is  being serious about this." Gemma said as I let off  an loud scream. "Come on love." said Mum as Harry helped me up to walk to his car.

After he put me in the back set he rushed to the  driver's side and started to the hospital with everyone hot on his trail.

Harry Pov

I rushed into the hospital parking lot and quickly got Y/N out. "Help my sister is in labor!" I yelled as we walked through the hospital doors.  A nurse quickly got a wheelchair and wheeled her to her room.

I wait in the waiting room with Gemma and Elyse as Mum  went of to help Y/N with birth.

               *4 hours Later*

Final 4 hours later I'm  in Y/N room with her fast asleep and Aspin in my arms. I smiled down at her as she open her big beautiful  grey eyes. "Hey Aspin I'm your uncle Harry  and I already can tell that we are gonna have a special bond." I said as she took my finger into her small hands.

"Hey, you wanna holder again?" I asked looking over at Y/N. "Yeah." She said with a huge smile. "Wow , she is beautiful." said Y/N as I placed Aspin in her arms. "I just wish her dad could've  been here to see her." Y/N smiled with a tear slipping from her eyes.

"He will always be here. If not physical but mentally and emotionally." I said placing a kiss on her forehead. I can't wait to see what the days will hold.

"Hey, maybe one day I can show you my hair routines." I said with a smile.

"Never gonna happen." Y/N said as she smiled down into Aspin dusty grey eyes. Like her dad's.

Welcome, Aspin Storm Styles, to the world that you will soon conquer.

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