My Prefect Stranger

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Harry ~age 24~ (twins)

"Where have you been?" I questioned as my boyfriend of almost three years walks through the door.

"I've been out." He simply said. "Well, Mister let's make plans for dinner tonight, you forgot again. You had my looking like a fucking fool sitting in that restaurant for hours waiting for you!" I yelled rolling my eyes.

"Would have remembered if you would stop nagging me all the time." He said finally coming into the living room.

That's it I have had enough of this dumb arguments. I grabbed my jacket and phone the walked out the door.

"See there you go running away from your fucking problems again like aways!" Niall from the doorway.

"Fuck Niall Fucking Horan!" I yelled back with a middle finger.

I turn to see head light and before I could even move they were at me.

That was the last thing I saw.

I was gone.

Niall Pov

I couldn't bring myself to see if Y/N was ok. Everything happened so face. I took a deep breath and and ran out see her laying there unconscious. I grabbed my phone and quickly rang 999.

"999, What's your emergency?"

"Help, my girlfriend has been in an accident and she needs help. Please hurry." I put the phone down and took Y/N pale body in my arms. This is all my fault.

It's seems like it to the ambulance infinity to get here. Once Y/N was in I quickly walked back inside the house to get my keys and drove to the hospital.

I as drove I dial Harry to let him know to meet me at the hospital.

"Hey, Harry meet me at the hospital Y/N as been in a bad accident and it's all my fault." I said before hanging up and pulling into the hospital.

I quickly got out and ran inside. Y/N is on a stretcher being wheeled into emergency surgery. I tried going with her, but one if the nurse held me back.

I walked into the waiting room with my head in my hands and began to cry. This all my fault.

God please let her be ok.

Harry pov

After I got a call from Niall saying that my baby sister had been in an accident and it was his fault. I quickly got my keys and drove to the hospital.

I knew that Y/N and Niall had been fighting, but Y/N told me should would handle it and to stay out of it. But now I'm going to take matter into my own hands.

I killed the engine of the car and got and walked inside to see Niall sitting in the waiting room crying.

"Niall what happened?" I asked sitting down beside him.

"Y/N got into a argument, about me being out late, and me forgetting all of our dates, and she ran out. I'm so sorry this is all my fault."

"I swear Niall if you are cheating on my sister I'm going to kill you!" I yelled only loud for us to hear.

"What? No I would never cheat on Y/N. I love her." Niall said continuing to cry.

When Mum and Gemma I let them knew what happened. I took. Mum in my arms as she cry, well Gemma and Niall comfort each other.

Please let her be fine.

Y/N pov

Complete darkness. I understand what's going on. I stood in this dark room now way out and I couldn't move.

"We're losing her."

What? Am I dying. I have to go back I have too do something.

"Clear." "Clear." Their doing the emergency shock.

I woke up to a bright light. I closed my eyes again.

"Hello, Y/N. I'm you nurse I'm just going to give you some medicine to take your pain away." I felt the needle as it went in side my arm.

I kept my eyes close and before I knew I was asleep again.

Niall pov

I wait impatiently waiting for the doctor to come and give us the results. I feel like shit. I was nevrvous. "The Styles family." We all stood up and walked over to him. "Y/N is going to recover good, but she is going to have short term memory. She is in room 318 third floor." The doctor said.

After thanking the doctor we got on the lift to go to Y/N's room.

I stood I'm patiently in the lift. When the door finally ding and came open I felt as if my heart was about to come out of my chest. We all walked down the narrow hallway to Y\N room. I stood outside the door as Anne, Harry, and Gemma walked inside. I couldn't face her like that.

I paced the hall thinking. All of this is my fault. AHow could I be so stupid? If I only would have told about all of this she wouldn't be in there now. I stopped pacing when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned round to come face to face with Harry.

"Hey Mum, Gemma, and I are going to get a bite to eat. Go in with Y/N call us if she wakes up anytime soon." Harry said before running off to catch up with Anne and Gemma.

I took a deep breath and walked inside. There she was Ivs in her arm and a oxygen tank connect to her nose. I walked over to her and sat in the chair close to her bed. I put my head on the bed and close my. This last seven hours have been stressful I just hopes she forgives me.


Y/N pov

Beep. Beep. Beep. I woke up to the beeping of the machine I am connected to. I looked down to see a very handsome man asleep.

"Who is this?" I questioned as one if the nurse walked in.

"His your boyfriend. His been here for hours, your very lucky to have him."

This handsome man as my boyfriend. That crazy.

"Hey, you're awake." He said looking up at me.

Damn, his eyes are like the ocean. How was I with someone like him. God his perfect.

"Hi, who are you?" I questioned.

"I'm Niall Horan. Your boyfriend." He said with a smile.

God, even his smile is perfect.

His my prefect stranger.

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