You're Grounded

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Harry ~age 19~

Y/N Pov

Quiet. Oh so quiet. I wasn't supposed be out this late. I wasn't even supposed to be out at all. I entered through the way I went out my bed room balcony. Being that my room is on the second floor of the house I had to climb. Good thing there is this latter or I would be coming through the front door.

I throw my leg over the balcony rail and pulled my self over. I open the door quietly and walked in. Making sure not make a sound I shut it quietly. I took off my jacket and throw it over the chair that set in the corner. I walked into my bathroom to wash the make up that felt as it was caked on my face off.

I pulled my hair into a bun then walked into my closet to get a oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts.  After putting the clothes on I walked to my bed and climbed inside. Light out. Hopefully Harry won't find out that I went out without his permission.

*The Next Day*

Harry pov

I slept in later than I should. I got out of my bed grabbed a shirt and walked down stairs. The smell of bacon and eggs filled the air. S

ighing I got out of bed grabbed my shirt from the floor and walked downstairs.

" 'Morning." I said sitting down at the counter. "Good Morning." Y/N said with her back still towards me. "How did you sleep?"  "Good. How did you sleep?" "Good. Sorry I didn't let you go to that party last night." I said as Y/N grabbed two plates from the cupboard.

"It's fine. There's always next year." said Y/N finally turning to face me. "Thank you." I said as she put the food in front of me. She went to that party anyway. Something told my to look a her wrist.

She has on a wrist-band. The only wrist-band you get at that dinner party for VIPs only. And as if to confirm my thoughts my phone buzzed. Twitter.

Headline: Y/N Styles was the most talked about last night at the famous dinner party of her best friend Y/B/F/N. Dressed for the outside occasion Y/N wore a whit crop top, black shorts and white cardigan. Y/N seems to be having the time of her life with her friends at the night event.

Styles was seen with many of her friends last night, but on the picture below it seems that she and one of her friends are a little more then friends.

I scrolled down to the picture to see her kissing and holding hand with Y/C/N. What the lovely fuck.

More photos from the dinner party can be found on our website.

I have seen enough. Of this I'm so pissed. Why did she disobey me. Worst if all even lie. "So you went to the party anyway?" I question looking at her. Choked a little. "How did you know?" "Well for starters you left the waist-band on and secondly Twitter."

"Damn those paps. Look Harry I'm sorry, but had to be there to support my friends." She said. "What kind of support it was just an annual dinner party." "Moral support." She said shaking her head.

"Well, glad they got their support because your gounded. No phone or laptop for 3 weeks." I said taking another bite of the bacon. "But I made you breakfast." "Thank you it is delicious."  "Fine just let me do something first."

Y/N pov

  Grounded wow. I got my phone really quick and went to Twitter.

Tweet: I will not be tweet in awhile because my brother @Harry_Styles as grounded. So there will not be any tweets from the only Styles tweets from the only Styles. Bye for now.

After I was done I gave my phone to Harry and my laptop. "Now you can find something to do around the house because you won't be going out for awhile." "Goodbye social life." I said finishing my food and going to living area. Just my luck.

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