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Harry ~age 4~

"Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." ~Lilo and Stitch~

Harry pov

Early mornings with Mum and Gemma. We always get up two hours before Y/N to have coffee and adult talk. "When are you going to tell Y/N you are going g in tour?" question Mum fixing her an other cup of coffee. "I don't know when it's the right moment." "I hope soon, because you leave for tour pretty soon." said Gemma taking another sip of her coffee.

  "Your going back on tour?" Y/N little voice said from behind the kitchen door. "No, love we we meant Uncle Niall when he goes back on tour."Mum tried to quickly cover. "No, you said Harry. What about Ohana?" Y/N said with her face with her face reding and tear forming in her brown eyes. "I was thinking about it, but I don't know yet." I said quickly said so she wouldn't cry.

These last few days she has been so attached to me. I watched as she walked, past me to sit at the other end of the counter. I know that she is upset with me because every morning she would sit by me. "Mum can I just have something to eat?" "Yes, what would you like?" "Just Cereal." said Y/N staring down at the counter top. Y/N mood as totally changed.

After she ate she walked back to her room. I sigh as I sat on the couch. "Don't not stress Harry she will be out soon." said Mum patting my shoulder as she walked in with Gemma behind her.

Y/N pov

I close my room door and sat on my bed. I can't believe that he is going back on tour. I got my tablet from my night stand and began to watch Lilo and stitch." "Knock, knock. Can I come in?" I looked up to see Harry standing in front of my door. "Are you upset with me ?" "Yes, because you promised." "I know love, but I have to work." "No you don't, you can just stay here with me."

"I wish I could, but I made a promise to millions of people out there. So I'm going to make a promise with you. I will FaceTime you every day and we can talk before I go on stage and after. Then you can come and visit me for awhile." I thought about it for a sec. "Fine it's a deal." I said licking my hand and sticking it out for Harry to shake. "Deal." Harry said doing the same then shaking my hand.

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