This Is Our Fight Song

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Harry ~age 16~

Y/N pov
You know everyone says that every point in life you will have a song for all your problems well the fight song is ours. Why you may think? Well knowing that your best friend is fighting stage 3 cancer is the worst feeling. Knowing that. I could lose him at any minute is the worst. Here I sit in with the hospital room at St. Jude with Chris. "Well, good morning sunshine. "I said walking over and sitting on his bed. "Morning where's Harry ?" He asked sitting up against the wall. "He went to get our breakfast." I said. "Pancakes? " "Yes, pancakes." I said laughing. "So your 17th birthday is in two days, and your mum asked if they can release you and I can spend sometime together." "Well what did they say? " Chris asked before coughing. "They said yes, but I have you back at 9:00." I said punching his hair back off of his forehead. "Great, now we can do my bucket list." He said smiling. "Knock, knock. "Harry said walking in with the food. "Morning Haz." He said. "So what is the first thing on your bucket?" I asked. "Skinny dipping." He said. I nod than turn to Harry. "Hazza where did you guys film WMYB?" "I'll take you there, but no skinny dipping." He said taking a bite of his pancake. "Fine, we can along the beach then." Chris said taking a sip of apple juice. "Hey, I'll be back I have to go to the rest room." I said walking out of the room.

Harry pov

"Harry?" "Yes." I asked looking up from my phone. "How do you tell someone you like them?" He asked before finishing off his last pancake. "Well, just be forward with her or make something special for her." I said he just nod his head. Soon Y/N walked and we just talked and laughed until the doctor came in. Y/N and I walked so he could talk to Chris in private. 30 minutes later he came out nod his head at us. "It's not getting any better he said most people die with-in 3 months." He said willing tears from his eyes. "Do you remember when when we first found out that you had cancer and it always made you smile? " Y/N asked rushing over this bed and wiping the tears off his face. "Yes, it was fight song." He said. "I want you to know that this is our fight song and what everyone and what every you go through." She said kissing his forehead. I quickly took out phone an took a pic before she moved. They really are the best of friends.

Chris pov

I don't know what I would do with out her she is the light is my sky. She really make wake up every morning knowing that she will be here every morning .

Y/N pov

I really hate that chris like this lord please take him I love him to much. Please just a few more chemos and will be over it. Right? Right.

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