Teen Mum

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Harry ~age 17~


I became something I never thought I would be. A teen mum, don't get me wrong I love children, but ik so young and it all happened so fast. The father left when I told him I was pregnant and now I'm left a lone to raise on my own.  It was all a surprise for the family. Once I had told them I packed my things to leave, but Harry said that he would help me raise Kaiyin. I am sitting at home in Kaiyin's  nursery with him in my arms feeding him a milk at 12am. Harry is in New York City for Saturday Night Live for a show so I'm at home alone. Now I ng that I would have trouble put him to sleep because he is wide awake I grabbed my phone to face time Harry.  After the first ring he picked up. "Y/N why are you up so late, is everything okay?" He asked worried. "Yes, Haz everythings okay I'm up with Kayin." I said putting the phone camera on him. "Hey little guy." Harry said waving into the phone. "How is everything going in New York?" I asked. "Everything is going good I can't wait until Saturday." He said excitedly. "Good luck bro I'm so proud of you and so are the directioners." I said smiling. "I know sis, I let you know how everything goes, for now you should get some rest because you have to take Kaiyin Kenneth to the doctor for his shots tomorrow and I'll see you when I get home." He said as he waved and I waved back. "Kiss Kaiyin good night and will you call you after rehearsal." Harry said. "I will." I said before hanging up and laying a now sleeping Kaiyin in his baby bed. And walking to my own room to get some sleep.

Harry POV

Y/N as been through a lot in the past 9 months with the baby. With her ass hole boyfriend leaving her after she told him about the pregnancy. I sat in my hotel room after reherehearsal. Thinking about my little sister and my nephew sitting at home alone. I can't wait to get back so I can be their with them. I'm so probs of her for staying strong through all of this. She is a great parent and sister. I looked at the picture I had of Kaiyin sleeping on my phone admire how handsome he is.  I can't wait to teach I'm all the stuff I know. I love them both so much.

His nursery

Full Name: Kaiyin Kenneth Styles

Birthday: April 7, 2017

I know the pic under the nursery doesn't look like that he just born but I tried.

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