Secretly famous pt.1

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Harry ~age 22~


I feel like I haven't done with Harry in awhile so I have made an schedule for our day. First I'm taking him shopping at the New York mall, then to walk around time square than to eat at Per Su here in New York. "Y/N are you taking ms today?" Harry asked as we both stood in the bathroom mirror in the hotel. "Well its called a surprise for a reason." I said applying read lipstick to my lips then walking out. "Hurry Haz we have a schedule we are on." I said waiting on him at the door. "Okay I'm ready." He said then we both walked out to the car that awaits us.

Harry POV

The chauffer drove around for 15 minutes and we finally made it to the mall of New York. "Thanks Michael meets us back here in two hours." Y/N said before we both got out. We shopped for a bit until we heard giggles come from around the clothing rack. "Harry this would loom good on you as she held up a Gucci Shirt. "I like it." I said. "Hazza smile there taking picture of you." She said with her head down try not to make it obvious that she is talking about them. "Well I can't tell if their taking them of me or you." I said paying for the shirt and walking out of the store. Hit up some of out favorite stores until it was time for us to leave.


I notice that the girls that was taking picture of me was girls I had met earlier in the week at a meet and greet. I played it off as if they were taking picture of Harry. What the world doesn't know is that I'm Harry's little sister because I refuse to be known as the little sister of  Harry Styles the famous boy band one direction so I kept my identity to myself. As for Harry he doesn't know that I'm a famous singer/song writer/model.Yeah I know thats a lot for a 20 year old girl. We are now walking to the exit of the mall when we walked past VS were there is a poster of me on the window of store Harry can't see that I posed for Victoria Secret. "Umm, let's take a picture." I said quickly pulling out my phone and snapping photos of us. We quickly  walked out of the without him noticing the poster.

Harry POV

Here we are now walking around time square about to enter the Disney store. I watched as Y/N walked around the corner.Not really worrying I looked at the Micky and Minnie mouse stuffed animals. "What are you looking at?" She asked. "These."  I said pointing to the stuffed animals. "Here I'll get it." Y/N said grabbing the toys and paying for them. After we left the shop we meet Michael at a nor by Starbucks.


Now to our final trip and that is Per Su."Right this way Ms.Y/N." The host said leading us our  table and giving us a menu. We quickly pick what we wanted to eat. As we wait for our food we began to talk about everything that as happen in the past couple of weeks. "How is college?" Harry asked taking a sip of his champagne. I  literally chocked I dropped out awhile back and they only person that knows is Gemma. The reason is because of my shows and appearances. I made up a quickly lie. "It's great." I said right as the food came. I quickly thanked heavens for that. As we ate I seen flashes come from window. I can't wait to see what will be in the media tomorrow.
        After dinner

We are now back at the hotel im so glad I'm so tired. "I'm off to bed harry." I said walking g to my room which is right next door.

Harry POV

I turned on the TV to watch it for a bit since Y/N is gone to bed. I flipped through the channels we I came across E!News. "In other news the famous singer/song writer and model  Y/N Y/M/N was seen out with the famous Harry Styles was seen out on a date in NYC is this a new romance and is this where Harry takes all his new girlfriends? Found out when we come back." I sat in the sofa confused. Y/N not a singer nor a model I'm I missing out on something? I quickly grabbed my lap top and google her name. And my eyes would let my believe what I seen.

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