Bentley and Me

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Harry ~age 21~

Harry POV

  Bentley Styles, my sisters 5 year old son. A mini me I would call him. Is just like me. We do everything together his just fun to be around. "Uncle Harry, can we play football?" He asked standing in front of me. "Sure Bud." I said as we walked out side. With his mum traveling with her  work I told her that I would take him with me  so he wouldn't have to be around just women.  
  We kick the ball around for awhile until it began to rain. "Are you hungry?" I asked as we both walked into the kitchen. All he did was nod. "Do you want tacos?" I asked. "Yes please." Was a he said. I began to cook when I got a text to my phone. 'Go to Skype'   Was all it said I walked out of the kitchen and into the living area grabbed my lap top and quickly walked back into the kitchen. I logged into Skype and logged in. The video chat ringed one time. Then we seen Y/N face come onto the screen.  "Mummy!!" Bentley yelled. "Hey Ben, are you having fun with uncle Harry?" She asked. "Yes, its really fun." He said. "Harry I'll be home tomorrow my flight leaves in the morning at 11am, I will see you guys later okay." "See soon love." I said waving at her. "Love you guys too,bye." She said then the screen went black. "Are you ready for your mum to come home?" I asked as I sat a plate in front of him, he nod and took a big bite of his taco.  After he was done I bathe him and let him watch SpongeBob until he went to sleep. I took him up to his room and placed him in bed. I took and shower and got in my bed to get  ready for tomorrow.


   I can't wait to go home, but for some reason I have a feeling like something bad is going to happen. After packing my bags I lie down on my bed. I can't wait to see everyone. Once I get home I'm taking a nice long vaca. I guess I should go to bed.

         The next day

   Y/N pov

      I woke up early to get to my flight and I can say that it was a safe ride there. Now I'm in the London airport collecting my luggage. In a distant I hear screams and what sounds like gun shots and the sound came closer.
   Before I even could get to a safe place  I feel something hot rush through my body. Before fully closing my eyes I seen an officer tackle the gunmen to the ground then everything went black.

Harry POV
  I woke up early this morning around 10 to get ready to get Y/N from the airport. I turned the TV on and went to the morning news to see the morning the weather. When a Breaking News came upon the screen.
'Breaking News: This morning around 9am, the London Airport receive several messages of a shooting. The airport was very strict on who they let in the airport, but by 10am a shooting did happen. Almost none of the officers were around when the shooting happen. The bullets of the now-found gun hit only five people, leaving one dead. The body Is being taken to the hospital so the family can identify it. Everyone here hearts is with the victims family.'

    I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Y/N number, but no picked up. I called it several more time. Then I started to get worried. I called my quickly. "Come to the hospital we are waiting on you." Mum said. I ran up stairs woke Bentley up.  I got him dressed then rushed out the door. "I'm hungry." Ben said as I put I'm in his booster sit. "Ok, we will stop and get something." I said then I rushed to the drivers seat. I made a quick stop at McDonalds then started back to the hospital. I got out, went to get Ben up him on my hip and met mum, dad, and Gemma at the door. We walked inside and went to the Clarke that sat at the computer. "How can I help you?" She standing up. "We are here to identify the body." Mum said giving Dad's hand a tight squeeze. "Right this  way." The woman said with a sympathetic smile. We followed her down the hall way until we can to an  stop. "This it,my condolence is with you." She said then she walked way. We walked inside an the doctors should us the body.  It Y/N we wall began to cry. "That's Mum why isn't she moving?" Bentley asked. The hardest part is explain to Bentley why his mum won't be coming home.

    *Five Years Later*

Harry POV

    It's been five years since Y/N's death. Since then I have been taking care if Bentley. The day Y/N died it took me forever to tell Bentley about it. He would always ask about her.  

      Today is his tenth birthday, when Y/N died she left things in her will that she wanted Ben to have for his tenth birthday.  I walked up to his room where he lies on his bed still sound asleep. "Bentley it your birthday and we have a special day planned." I said while gently shaking him,but he didn't wake up. I shook him a couple more times then he finally got up. "Hey uncle Harry." "Hey, Bud Happy Birthday." I said roughing his Hair some  up some more. After he got ready he ate breakfast. "Can we visit mum today?"  "Sure, I also have an something that your mum wanted me to give to you." I said reaching into my back pocket and pulling out a letter.

Bentley POV

I wait patiently as uncle harry gave me the note. I opened it carefully making sure not to tear it.

   Dear Bentley,
Today is your big day the day you turn 10. I want you to be the happiest. I know you will come and visit me. So before you come here's what I have to tell you. Even though I'm not there with you physical, but I'm with you. Even though you can't see me I am. Happy birthday Baby boy I love you so much. And remeber I'm so proud of you and rember I am here with you.
~Love Mummy~


he best way to start my birthday. I miss mum a lot,but I know that she is always with me.


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