Good Old Days

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Harry ~age 50~

Y/N pov

Today is our annual family get together at Mum's house. I sat in my car with my husband and 3 out of 10 grandchildren Autumn, Edward, and Grayson.

It's been awhile since everyone as seen each other. I called the family get together because I have some news I had to share. We pulled into the home where me and my siblings grow up and where I raised all 6 of my amazing children.

"Are you ready to break the new to them?" "What news?" Anna question from the back seat. "Nothing love, I don't know I just hope they all take it well." I said getting out as the cool spring air hit me taking me back to the days when Gemma, Harry and I were little.

Smiling I walked to the door and walked in. "Where here everyone!" I yelled walking through foyer. "Still the same loud and outgoing Y/N." I looked to my left to seem my big brother Harry walking to me. "Hey old man." I said hugging him.

"Old but I still can get down." Harry said defending himself. 
"Yeah, but you probably won't get back up." Gemma said walking in hugging me. We walked into the living area where mum awaits us.

The day goes on into the night as we laughed and talked about the last and our week as our grandchildren run around the backyard playing. "Papa, and you please tie my shoe?" question Ana as she sat on Harry's lap. "Yes baby." "They are so adorable ." Gemma said as Ana ran off to join the others.

We all nod our head to agree with her."So what's the news that you had to tell us?" ask Harry. I knew that  was gonna come soon had been avoiding that all night. Well here goes nothing

    *3 years later*

Harry Pov

I wish somebody would have told me that those day would suddenly those would be the good old days. I looked at the tombstone that has her name perfectly place in a cursive font. Y/N  Y/M/N Styles.

I never thought that March 13th will be the last time I would see my baby sister.  Now I wish I could have spent more time with  them I did. Y/N  would always say  'Someday soon, your whole life's gonna change. You'll miss the magic of these good old days.'

I never thought that, that would be the good olds. "Harry honey, we would should get going home." My wife said. "Okay, I'm on my way." I said placing the roses on hed grave and whipping tears from my face even though it's been 3 years I still miss her and the good old days.

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