Matching Cars

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Harry ~age 24~


  Madison as always always been with her uncle Harry with everything he did. So when she started to act like him I wasn't surprised. When Harry decides to get something new he as to get of it one for him and the other for Maddi.  So  when he got a new car I had the idea to get Madison one has well. I called mum an little over an hour ago to make sure that she was okay with keeping Maddi while Harry, Gemma and I went out to get the car. "Let's go Maddi grandma is waiting for you." I said walking into her play room. "Okay." She said while grabbing her Barbie doll.  We walked out to my car and put her in her sit belt. I got in and did the same, I started the engine, pulled put of my park way and headed to Mum's house.  Once I got there I parked and we both got out. I walked to the door and unlocked it. "Mum where are you!?" I yelled closing the door behindb me and letting go of Madison's hand. "I'm in the kitchen." She said back. We both walked into the kitchen to see mum making sandwichs.  "Hey mum." I said kissing her cheek. "Hey love."  "Grandma!" Maddi yelled and ran over to mum. "Hey Maddi." Mum said bending down to Maddi's  level to hug her.  "Where is everyone?" I askedbtakibg a water for the fridge. "They're outside love." We all walked outside and joined Gemma, and Harry. "Hey guys." I said sitting beside Gemma. "Hey Uncle Harry, and Aunt Gemma." Madison said sitting on Harry's lap. "I have to go out for a minute I'll be back soon." I said standing up fixing my clothes. "I'll join you." Harry quickly said. "Me too." Gemma said standing.  We walked back inside the house leaving Maddi with mum. "So the toy dealership delivered her car at the story earlier, it should be ready now." I said as we got into my car and started to the toy store.

Harry POV

   Madison is a girl version of me so when her mum told me about her getting a toy car that matches my Mercedes Benz I was all in for it. We came to a stop at Toys 'R' Us.  We all got out and walked inside. "Hi, I have an deliver of an Mercedes Benz." Y/N said. The man nod and walked to the back. Soon he came back with a drive able Benz just right for Maddi. I can't wait to see the look on her face. Once I loaded everything  the back of  Y/N car we drove home. I sat her car in the garage beside mine and wait as Gemma and Y/N went to get Mum and Maddi.

Gemma POV

   "So you know uncle Harry as gotten a new car?" I asked. "Yes." "So we had the idea to get you one just like his." Y/N said as we walked into the garage to see Harry already in his car with the window down. Madison squealed in excitement ran to the Car and got inside. Harry lead over and fist bumped her. Y/N and I  quickly took a picture and posted it on Instagram and Twitter with the caption 'Styles Twins'


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