Up All Night

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Harry ~age 17~

Restless nights and long days with work and snobby people is all I deal with these days. Let's just say that I'm tired and I'm just done with life. I'm currently in my hotel room laying down on the huge bed on my two week vaca hoping to have some time to rest.

Harry invited me and Gemma to go on tour with him a couple of days ago and I kindly said yes I'm having all the fun you possibly could have, but sadly I rather be at home in my bed instead of this one, but hey always enjoy time with Harry and Gemma. "Y/N where are you we are about to leave!" Harry yelled down the hallway which we have rent to ourselves.

"There you are and you're not ready." I groan as Harry walked into the room. "Well we can stay here if you like." said Harry stroking my hair. "No I don't won't to ruin you and Gemma's fun you." "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure." I said sitting up so he could leave.

"We will be back soon. Then later tonight we can watch movies are something." He said before kissing my forehead. "Have fun." "Will do, get some sleep." Harry said before walking out of the hotel room door. Once he was gone I got up to change clothes and and turn off the light. Time for some shut eye.

*Two Hours Later*

Harry POV

After hanging out with Gemma for two hours we went back to the hotel to spend some time with Y/N. Before we got there we decided to stop and get her food. Once we got back we walked inside her hotel room to see her still sleeping. "How do we wake her up?" I question looking over at Gems. "I might have an idea." Gemma quickly went over to Y/N bed and began to jump and sing the time to get up song.

I joined Gemma with waking Y/N up. "You're lucky I love McDonald's and I have enough energy to eat." Y/N said sitting up and taking the bag off of the bedside table as Gemma and I laughed. "So love bug what do you want to do tonight?" Gemma question as Y/N took a bite of her chicken nugget.

"Well, I wanna stay up all night until I see the sun." Y/N sang before taking another bite of her food. Smiling I shake my head taking Y/N laptop for her carry on and login to YouTube. "How long has it been since you posted on YouTube?" "It's been ages." Y/N replied back awhile getting up to put the bag in the rubbish bin.

"Well, let's do a live stream. Go to Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat to tell your fans that you are about to do a video with special guest." Gemma said getting out of the bed and walking into the main part hotel room.


To all of my fans I'm doing a live stream on YouTube for the first time in two years. The stream will included two special guest. So join me tonight for an all nighter so get ready for some hours of fun.

After I posted that on my social media. Harry, Gemma and I sat up everything so the night can began. Once we where done I went to YouTube to start our all nighter.

*Hour Later*

Gemma pov

4 am. It's 4 am and all we did was talk to the fans about upcoming events.

"Ok. Guys. My fellow partners here looks rather tired of talking, so we are gonna play a little game." Harry said, trying to mangar his American accent.

"Lets play would you rather." I said once I noticed the fans' recommendations. "Sure," Y/n says, "but we have to exactly do the thing we choose."

Harry and I nodded in agreement before the computer blinged with challenges to do.

"Ok. Finn69 says: Harry; would you rather hit Gemma or every five minutes yell Fuck Sake." Y/N red the computer while trying to hold back her laugh.

"Oh for Fucks Sake." He says while smiling into the camera. "My turn. Send in your dirty ones, guys." I said.

"HarryDarkSide writes: Would you rather twrek in front tof your brother or tell your siblings about your worst sex experience?"

"Ready for this story guys?!" I said whiling dying inside.

"Ok," I began. "It was my prom night. Christen and I were in a closet, and my head was in a bucket. My hands were soaked and what smelled like bleach. So, yeah." I explained and smirked into the camera.

Harry's pov

"Gemma, you filthy animal." Y/N said.

"FUCK SAKE." I yelled. The girls turned towards me and laughed.

"Libby2styles44 asks: Would you rather date Louis or date Niall. Y/N." I smirked y/n way and tried to maintain my desperate to know the answer.

"Um...Niall. I have a thing for Irishmen."

"Do you know his gonna call you right after this? FUCK SAKE!" I yelled.

"Imyourqueen asks: Gemma who is your favorite sibling?" "I love them both equally, but if I had to choose Y/N." "Oh for FUCK SAKE. And I really mean it this time. Nice to know I feel loved." I said shaking my head.

"Aww, Harry." Y/N said hugging me. "Get off." I said as Gemma joined in. The night goes on full of questions which turned into dares and I could say that it is fun.

* 12 hours later*

Y/N Pov

Here we are twelve hours later at Harry's show still live. I decide to go through the show so the fans who didn't make or couldn't purchase tickets could watch.

Harry is now performing Meet Me In The Hallway. After he finished the song he stopped talk to the fans. "As you guys know my sisters and I did an all nighter on YouTube, which is still going on now. So please help me welcome my sisters Gemma and Y/N." The fans went crazy.

Gemma and I walked out I video the fans for awhile then I put the camera on Harry as he pulled faces and mocking one of the fans. After that show ended we all walked back stage to end the video together.

"Thank you guys so much for doing this all nighter and the questions. I promise to post a new video every Wednesday when I have the chance. Shall we say goodbye?" "We shall." "Bye guys!" We yelled and waved to the camera.

This has been fun now I can't wait to go home and get some sleep. Looks like we stayed up all night until we seen the sun.

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