First Date

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Harry ~age 16~

Gemma pov

  "Is he nice?" I question as I curled my little sister's hair. "Yes, he so kind hearted and sweet." She said dreamly. Her first date. She got asked out last week by her crush and she as been all smiles and giggles since.  "Remember don't do anything you don't want to do and call me or Harry if anything happens."  "I will." Y/N said as I finished off her hair.

I looked at her with a smile on my face. I hate to see her grow up this fast. It seems like yesterday day I was pushing her on the swing set at the park. "Gemma you're looking at me weirdly. What's wrong?" question Y/N shaking her head.  "You're growing up so fast. You're going on your first date. You're not a baby anymore" I said.

"Gem c'mere. I'm always going to be your baby sister no matter what. Who-else am I going to talk to when Harry makes me mad. Or when I have boy problems." I said pulling me into a hug. "Come on let's go down stairs you still have twenty minutes here before your date." I said pulling out of the hug and walking down stairs with her behind me.

Harry pov

  I have been dreading this night all week. Y/N goes on a date tonight with Y/C/N and I'm really not liking it. I have been gone from home for a couple of months and she already has a boyfriend.

I hate the fact the fact the she's growing up. "Okay, first things first don't laugh at any of this guy's jokes. Understand?" "But what if they are really funny?" question Y/N with her arms across her chest. "Then just try not to laugh." I stated with a playful eye roll.

"Secondly, don't be forced to do anything you don't want to do. If anything happens texted us the code word." "Which is?" "The  number 1 and a capital 'D'." "Are you serious?" "Very serious." "And lastly do not skip curfew or this will be the last time you see Y/C/N."  I said right as the door bell rang. You can only imagine all the things that's running through my head right now.

I get up to answer the door, while Gemma and Y/N make sure everything is prefect.  I opened the door to see a well groomed Y/C/N standing there with flowers. "Umm, hi I'm Y/C/N, is Y/N home?" He question.  "Yes she is, come on in." I said stepping aside to let him in. "Y/N as a curfew no later than 11:30. Understand?" "Understood." replied Y/C/N with a nod.

Y/N pov

"Where are you going just in case I have to and find you?" I hear Harry question as I walked into the foyer. "Gemma." I whisper. "I got this. Harry intergation over." said Gemma which made Harry stop asking questions.

"I see you've met my brother Harry." I said he just nod his his head shyly. "This is my sister Gemma." "Hi nice to meet you." He said with a wave. "Nice to meet you too." "Y/N these are for you." He said giving me the flowers. "Thank you." I said taking them. "Here I'll put them in water. Go have fun." said Gemma. "But not to much fun and remember curfew." Harry said as we walked out the door to  Y/C/N.

*30 minutes into the date*

I laughed at another one of his jokes. "I didn't get to tell you this earlier, but you look beautiful." said Y/C/N said causing a blush to raise in my cheeks. "Thank you. And you look very handsome."
The date goes on and I can't help but keep a smile on my face.

After the date was over we got in his car and he drove me home. When we made it he got and open my door for me and walked bum to my front  door like a gentlemen. "I had a great time with you tonight." He said still holding my hand. "Me too." I said with a smile. "Would you like to do it again sometime?" "I would like to."

We stood there just looking at each other. Enjoying the silence we stood getting in. Suddenly I felt his lips in my soft ones. Surprised I didn't know what to do so I just stood there. "I'm sorry I shouldn't hav-" I cut him off with another kiss. I smiled as I pulled back. "I take that I can call you later?" "Yes." "Good night Y/N." "Good night Y/C/N." I said before walking into my house.

I smiled as I laid my head on the door. "You two kissed didn't you?" Harry asked as he walked into the foyer. "That obvious huh?" "Yes, but it also took you almost 30 minutes to come inside. "Y/N I saw everything come I want all the details of the date." Said Gemma walking down the stairs grabbing my hand and pulling me into the living room.

"Me too. So I can know if this Y/C/N  is a good guy for you." Harry said following us. "Well he did get me home by curfew." I stated. "Yes this just something to check off my list." Harry said plopping down on the couch. This is going to be a very long night.

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