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Harry ~age 23~

Y/N Pov

Another long day at the studio helping  Rihanna on her new album FENTY and we just finishing up. "Thank you everyone this has really been a long journey, but we've finally got the last song done, now y'all can go home and relax Love you guys. Bye" said Rihanna smiling. I packed up my things as everyone else began to leave. "Hey Y/N." "Yes?" I question turning to face her.  "Do you want to go out for awhile?" "Sure sounds like fun." I replied as we both began to walk down the long narrow hall way.

I can say that during this long album process Riri and have become very close, we tell each other everything. "Where do you want to eat?" I question as I got in the driver's seat of my Jaguar. "Umm, Papa John's." "Okay." I said laughing at the way she tap her chin thinking. "So anyone special in you life yet?" "No, not yet Ri, but hopefully. " I said pulling into the restaurant.  We both got out and walked inside. "I'll order, you go to find us a place to sit." I said walking over to the order line.

"Welcome to Papa John's may I take you order?" "Umm, yes, May I get a cheese pizza, and a pepperoni pizza." "Yes ma'am, here are you cups, and your pizzas will be right with you." "Thank you" I walked to the drink fountain to fix our drinks.

  Once I fixed our drinks I walked to our table to see Rihanna on her phone. "So who are you texting?" I question sitting down at the table. "My boo, boo." replied Rihanna smiling. I grabbed my phone from my purse turn the darken screen to several text from my brother.

I unlocked the it to text him back.
'What time will you be home?'  'I having lunch right now I'll be home soon.' I sent the message then put my phone on the table. "Ri I'll be right back." Walking to the bathroom  I seen that she picked up her phone. Once I was done with my business I walked back to see her smiling.

I sat back down. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Who's Harry?" "My brother." "Hmmm." Rihanna said. "What?" "Your 'brother' you don't have a brother."  Well there's one thing that I haven't told her.

Rihanna Pov

"Well there is one thing I haven't told you. said Y/N. "What haven't you told me?" "My brother is Harry Styles." Y/N said. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "Because i don't want you to hire me because of my last name."
"Y/N I didn't hire you because of your last name,I hired you because you're talented, now let eat." I said grabbing a slice of pizza.

Y/N Pov

I'm glad that Rihanna could understand. "Hey do you go back to place?" I question. "Yeah sure." Harry gonna be so surprise because he hasn't seen her since the 2013 VMAs. We'llsee how it goes.

Harry Pov

I wait patiently for my little sister to come home. She has been working really hard lately and I haven't really gotten a chance to see her. I sat on her couch. Ten minutes later Y/N came through the door laughing. "Harry I have a guest." Y/N said walking into the living area. I looked up to see Rihanna smiling at me.

The rest of the night we all just laughed and talked until it was time for Rihanna to live. It was good to catch up with her again. And lets just say that here might a single between the three of us coming out soon.

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