Tea Party/ Date Night

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Harry ~age 28~

Harry pov

His first day back at home. Drew left two days after Aiden was born. Drew arrival will be an all time surprise to Y/N and the kids. I wait patiently with all the other people waiting for their loved ones. Soon I seen my brown hair brother in law. "Harry it's nice to see you again." said Drew pulling me into a bro hug. "It's been awhile. Come on I told Y/N I was at the store."

Grabbing his luggage we walked out of the airport side by side.

"How have things been since I left?" question Drew throwing his bags in the back seat. "Good, Aspin is now a 1st grader an a ballet dancer. I said driving down the highway. "And what about Aiden?" "We'll, that is a surprise for when you get home." I said with a smile eyes still focused on the road.

"Speaking of home Y/N calling." "Ok be very quiet." I said hitting the phone button on my radio screen. "Harry can you get me cake icing?" "Sure,but why do you need cake icing?" "Because I'm craving cake icing." "Alright what flavor do you want?" "Chocolate." "Okay see you soon." I said before hanging up.

Y/N pov

After hanging up with Harry I picked Aiden up from the floor. "Aspin come get dressed for your tea party." I said walking into her bedroom. "Mum, when will Daddy be home?" asked Aspin as I Aiden on her bed then walked into the closet looking through her clothes.

I decided on a yellow and black sun dress with white and black designs. "I'm not sure I've, but I hope it's soon." I said getting her white sandles to go with the dress. "Did you brush your teeth and wash your face?" "Yes ma'am." She replied as I slipped the dress over her head.

Once her dress and shoes were on I braided her hair which lead into to pig-tails. "Okay, now let's go get brother dressed." I said taking baby Aiden back into my arms and walking back down to his room.

Drew pov

After we got everything that Y/N need we can finally go home. We made it 30 minutes later do to an extra stop to get flowers for Y/N. Harry pulled into the drive way of a house I haven't been to in awhile. "Here you are Mister Drew Wilbur." Harry said while turning the engine of the car off and getting the bags of food out.

I put my Navy hat back on my head. I got out got my luggage and the Jasmine flowers and walked inside. "Here is your icing. Where are the children?" "In the back yard go with them and I'll get the rest of the food out of the car." Y/N said walking out of the kitchen and into the foyers.

"Hey, babygirl." I said with a smile. "Drew!" Y/N yelled as I put my bags down and open my arms so I could hug her. "I missed you so much." Y/N said with a snif. "I missed you too. Aww babe don't cry." I said as I pulled out of the hug.

"I'm guessing there isn't anything else in the car?" "No. What are the kids doing outside?" "Aspin's having a tea party with Aiden, so I have to make tea and cookies." I said walking back into the kitchen.

"Well, Harry volunteer to baby-sit tonight we should go out and have some fun." "Okay, but first go out say hello to Aspin and Aiden they have been asking about you." She said walking out to the back yard where is sitting at a table.

Harry seen me and nod his head. He got up and covered Aspin eyes as Y/n did to Aiden. I sat down across from them. "We have a surprise for you." Y/N spoken with smile. "What is it?" questions Aspin. "This." Y/N and Harry said in unison uncovering their eyes.

"Daddy!" Aspin yelled getting out of her seat and coming over to hug me. "I missed you guys so much." I said taking both if my children in my arms. "Dada." No way. This as to be a joke.

Y/N pov

"Dada." Aiden spoke while in Drew's arms. Drew just looked at him with excitement. "He can talk?" says Drew finally speaking. "Yes, he's been talking for awhile now." I said with a smile. "And that's not all go over by the door." said Harry taking Aiden from Drew as he put Aspin down and walked over by the door.

"Okay, buddy walk over to your." Harry said putting Aiden down.

Aiden took a small step with a toothless smile in his face. I had to get this moment on camera. I took at my phone and started to record. Aiden tripped a little an fell to the ground. He got back up an started to walk over to Drew.

"Way to go Buddy." said Drew when Aiden made it over to him. I stopped record as we all walked back to the table for the tea party. I went inside to check on the cookies. To my surprise they didn't burn do to how long I was outside.

I took them out of the oven let them cool then applied the icing. I took them back outside with the tea.

*Skipping the tea party*

After I cleaned everything and bathe the kids I walked up to my room to get ready for our date night. I connected my phone to the Bluetooth speaker then walked into the bathroom to take a bath.

After I wrapped a towel around my chest I walked into my clothes to pick out a dress. 30 minutes later I finally decide on a black dress with my black pumps to match. I laid the outfit on the bed then walked over to the my makeup vanity to do my hair and makeup.

Once I was done with that I walked over to my bed and put the dress on. I put my pumps on and to top off the look I pot on some jewelry. I grabbed my hand bag and walked down stairs.

Drew pov

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Drew pov

I waited patiently for Y/N to get dressed. It took her a little longer than usual. I looked at my watch 7:30. We still have plenty of time. I bounced my knee nervously. I don't think the plan is going to work. "Oi, come down mate you'll do fine. She loves you so don't have to worry about anything else." Harry said reinsurance.

"Thank mate." I said with a smile. "Sorry I took so long." Y/N said coming into the living room. "You look beautiful." I said standing up and walking over to her. "Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself." said Y/N before kissing my lips. "Shall we leave?" I asked taking her hand in mine.

"Yes we shall." She said. We said our goodbyes to Harry and walked out the door hand in hand.   We got in our shared car and I drove too the place where our first date took place.

*An Hour into the date*

Y/N pov

  I smiled as Drew told another joke. I'm so happy that he is home. "So, we have been together for a long time. Two beautiful children. A nice home and life couldn't get any better. Well actually it can." Drew said walking over to me.

"Drew what are you?" I question as he got down on his knee. "Will you do me the honor of being my wife?" Tears beam in my eyes as he smiled his perfect smile making his dimples pop on his olive skin. This is why he was nervous.  "Y/N?" He said. I guess I sat there for awhile because we now have the attention of everyone at the fancy restaurant.

"Yes. A million times yes." I said as he slid the ring on my finger. I stood pulling my dress down then kissed his soft pink lips. "I love you." I said pulling back. "I love you more." said Drew as everyone clapped and congratulated us.

Well I guess I have a wedding to start planning.

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