Pregnancy Series

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Harry ~age 22~


Here I am sitting in the waiting room of an hospital with my best friend Jazmyne. Lately I have been feeling very sick plus I haven't had my little friend in weeks same With Jazmyne. "Y/N what would our parents think if we are pregnant?" She asked fiddling with her thumbs. "Jaz don't worry we both are very financially stable and we both have our own homes well I share me place, but they will all be happy for us." I said touching her hands. "Yeah you're right." She said smiling. Here a little back story on me and Jazmyne. Our Mums were best friends so the vowed that we be friends as well so we grew up together and we never left each other-side. "Styles and Jenkins." The doctor called. We both stood at the same time and walked to the doctor. "Now I know that you girls are best friends so I'm allowing you to be in each other room while we run some test." He said as we walked into the room. He had us to both lie down and put jam on our belly so he and a nurse ran some test. "I'm so excited." I said feeling a bit overwhelmed. "Good news Ms. Styles And Ms. Jenkins you both Are pregnant." He said. "I'm so happy, I can't wait to tell everyone." Jaz said. "Me too, thank you Dr. Tomson." I said as we walked out of the room, not before get our ultrasound. We walked out to my car and started to the photography building to get pictures made of our ultrasounds. I can't wait to get home to tell everyone.

Harry POV

Here I am sitting at home with Mum,Gemma, the Jenkins family, Monica and La'canica Y/N bestir friend since primary school so we have know them since they were little. They girls said that they had to tell us something,but they wanted to wait until Y/N and Jazmyne made it back. "What do you think is taking the girls so long?" Mum asked. "I don't know Y/N said that would they would be in town for awhile they should be on their way back." As soon as those words left Gemma's mouth Y/N/N and Jaz walks thought the door with huge smiles on their face. I wonder what's going on with them.

La'canica POV

Monica and I have been at the Styles house for almost 2 hours waiting on Y/N and Jazmyne. Now they come stalking in with huge smiles. "Now since you girls have made it we have some news." Monica said. "Us too, but you guys first." Jaz said still smiling. "No you first." I said insisting because why not. "How about you girls go first then us last." Monica said and the girls just nod started handing out something that looks like invitations. "What's is this?" Mrs.Jenkins asked. "Just open it Mum." Jaz said laughing. We all opened it at the same time and pulled out a little cute card with an ultrasound in it. "Oh congrats girls." Anne said. "Well, this us crazy." Monica said. "How?" Y/N question. "Because the both of us are pregnant too." I said. The four us pregnant at the same time. This is crazy


So not only Jaz and I are pregnant, but Monica and La'canica to. This is so crazy four best friend pregnant at the same time, and most like will everything at the same time I can't wait until we all start showing.


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