My Big Brother

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Harry ~age 18~

Y/N pov

Dealing with a break up is the worst thing. You cry then you're mad then you're crying again. I sat the living room crying my "loyal" boyfriend just broke up with my for his lab partner. "You okay little sis?" Harry asked sitting beside me. "No,that arse just broke up with me." I said crying again. "It's okay Y/N I'll handle this." Harry said wiping my tears. "Harry don't hurt him bad. " I said. "I won't make any promise." He said getting up grabbing his keys and walking out the door.

Harry pov

He is so dead. I got in my car and drove to the little fucks house. Once I made it there i hoped out the car and knock on his door. When he opened it i punched him right in his face. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he questioned grab his nose. "That's for braking my little sister heart you arse." I said. "She no good any way I played her out like any other would do." Aaron said and that sit me off. I punched him and he fell on the ground and continue to punch him. "Harry that's enough." I hear Y\N said pulling my off of him. "Lets go." I said walking to the car. We drove I tight. My fist around the wheel. "You did good Harry."  She said. "Wish I could have beaten him more than I did." I said loosen my grip on the wheel.  "You've done more than enough. " Y/N said kissing my cheek and I loosen my grip.

Y/N pov

I love my big brother so much.  Without him I will stay heartbroken.

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