Freaky Friday

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Harry ~age 16~

Y/N pov

Why is he so annoying. Why can't he treat me like I'm not a kid anymore? "Why can't he treat me like I'm not a kid anymore?" "Harry can I please just got to Malaysia?" I question. "Absolutely."  "Really?"

"No." Harry said walking around the hotel room. "Why not?" "Because you're to young." He said now entering the bathroom. "What I'm seventeen in two weeks."  "Y/N I'm done with this conversation let's go."

I followed behind Harry as we walked down to the lift. Once we got the lobby floor we walked out to the vans. I claimed in the back seat with Harry behind me. "What do you want to eat?" "You decide since I'm not old enough to make my own decisions too." I said rolling my eyes.

"Chinese it is then." said Harry with a sign. The driver started in the direction of the restaurant. Once got out and went inside.

Harry pov

I look at the menu looking through the long list of food. I looked up to see Y/N on her phone. "You know it's very rude to be on your phone while at a dinner table with everyone." "Well, sorry Dad." She said rolling her eyes and putting back in her mini backpack.

"Hi are you guys ready to order?" "Yes." After we order I began talking to Sarah. "What's going on between you and Y/N/N?" "Yeah you guys have been fighting all week." "She is upset that I won't let her go to Malaysia with her friends." I replied back watching as she talked to Helèn.

"You can't be so hard on her Harry, she is growing up." Clara said. I thought about what Clara said as we all began to eat, but something tells me that Y/N is going to do this any-way. "Are you upset that you can't go to Malaysia?" I question.

"No." Y/N said. Wow, what a total mood change. That's so weird. Wonder what's gotten into her. And as if on cue my phone buzz with answer to my question.  'Congratulations your trip to Malaysia is booked for June 15,2018- June 19, 2018.'  "You booked a trip to Malaysia after I told you not to?"  I said in a whispered yell. "Don't get your panties in a twist it's just four an a half days."

"Your so disobedient, and disrespectful and it's really starting to get under my skin." "Oh, really? You wouldn't last a day in my shoes. With your constant nagging about every little thing I do."  "That's vice versa to. Miss complain-a-lot. You would know how it feels to be me for a day."  "Guys!" "Sorry." We both mumur. 

"Fortune cookie?" "Thank you." We all took a fortune and opened them.

Y/N pov

We all open the fortune cookie. Deciding to wait and read my fortune. I put it in my pocket to walked to the rest-room. Once I was there I did my business, washed my hands, then took out my fortune.

'In order to know someone you must first wear there shoes.'  I read a loud. The ground rumble and the walls stated to shake.. it soon stopped and I walked out to be met by Harry half way down the hallway. "Are you alright?" "Yes, I'm fine. What about you? Is everyone okay." "We are okay. Let's just go."

We left the restaurant and went back too the hotel. Once I was in my room I changed into my night clothes then went straight to bed. It's been a long day.

*The next day*

Harry pov

I strength in my hotel bed. Something feels different. "Why does it feel like my chest gained ten pound? Maybe it is the the food from last night? "What happened to my tattoos. No. I  ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.  "Ahh, what the hell why am I in Y/N body!" "Y/N are you okay?" "Umm, yes I'm fine." "Okay." She said before walking out off the room.

Why would I end up in Y/N body? The fortune cookie. No it just like Freaky Friday, but how is that even possible?" "Oh for fuck sake!"

Y/N pov

"Did I take my clothes off while I was sleep last night?"  I thought as I felt a drift in the room. I have tattoos? Where are my boo-boos? Oh no. "Oh for Fuck Sake?" I yelled I walked back to the part of the room grabbed a shirt the walked down to har-my room. "Why am I in your body?" I question opening the door to see Harry trying to pick out and outfit.

"The same to you, but I know why." "Do tell." I stated sitting on the bed. "Well last night at the restaurant after we argued we got fortune cookies and read the fortune it was like an 'earthquake'.Now we have to live like each other for s couple of days."  Harry said still looking through both if the outfits.

"Okay like the movie?" "Yes. Why is this so hard?" "Okay this should be easy and wear this, it's gonna be hard because we have different taste in styles." I said.

*Days Later*

Y/N pov

"Harry I need you help." I said walking back into the dressing room.  "Umm, it's Y/N Styles." Said Harry in a mocking tone. "Haha, very funny. I need help picking out your signature Gucci suit." "Okay right this way." He said walking iver to the rack where all his costume made suite hanged.

"Okay this one will look good on you." said Harry giving me a pink suit. "Now, I need your help. This outfit or This one?"  "That I said pointing at the white croptop. "Aww you guys are getting a long with no fighting." Adam said with a smile on his face.

"How long have you been standing there?" "Since Y/N picked out the Gucci suite. Now Harry it's time for us to go on stage." Said Adam before walking out of the hotel room.

"You got this. It have been doing an amazing job. Good luck."  Harry said before I walked out on stage.

*An hour Later*

Harry pov

  Being in Y/N body for week I have to say it isn't the best, but I'm learning to deal with it. I stand behind stage and  watch as Y/N to talk to the crowd about while me.

"Hey guys. As you might know, me and my brother aren't the perfect siblings. Trust me. Some days, I want to slapped the smile of her face. But truly, I love her. She's the best. I love talking to her and just being with her. I hope you guys get that experience tonight too. Just being here with her and talking to her at the meet and greet. I really love her. To her snappy comebacks to her incredible style, I love you sister." I said. Even if I said her the whole time, I met Y/N. I love Y/N. She's my rock. Even if younger she's than me, if feels like I can run to her for shelter."

I looked back to see him smiling. "I love you too." 

The ground began to shake and and the lights began to flicker.

Y/N pov

"I'm back!" I said looking at Harry who gave me a big thumbs up before I continued.

"I love you kitten. Now, everyone put their hands together for the link himself. Y/N Styles!"

I ran out on stage and hugged him. "How about two weeks?" Harry asked before I went off stage.

Two weeks.

I went to my dressing room to see two plane tickets to Malaysia for two weeks! A note laid beside it.

I may not understand you at times, but I'm hoping that we can bond a little more over the trip.

All The Love,


smiled at the note. I'm so lucky to have a brother like him. And guess it won't be that bad if he comes. 

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