I'm coming home tell the world that im coming home

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Harry ~age 29~

Y/N pov

It been almost seven years since I last seen my family. Yep that long. The last time I heard from them was when Harry went on the X factor. I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. Spending 7 year in Afghanistan not seeing my family, talking to my 7 year daughter or when I get the chance to talk to them it late at night and I have to keep things short. I called mum a head of time to tell here the news.I just hope she follows through with it. Let's see how it works out.

Anne pov

"Guys let's go!" I yelled to my family who seems to be taking forever. One by one they come down with smiles on their faces. "So what are you treating us to mum?" Harry asked. "You'll see when we get there." I said as we all walked out of the house and to my car. I started the car and drove to a first destination. "Robin can you please go an get red roses please."I said. Soon Robin came out if the flower shops with a dozen roses. I started the car and now to our second destination. Let's just say their gonna be knock off their feet.

Harry POV

I followed behind mum as she drove. When we finally stopped I notice that we are at the airport. I pulled into one of the parking slots,killed the engine and got out. "Nonna, why are we at an airport?" question Natalya. "You'll see now come on we have to go inside." Mum said. We all walked inside to see people waiting on their love ones. "Guys look over at Gate 8." Dad said. I looked in the direction that he pointed in. What I seen really shock me. Y/N was finally home after seven years of being in Afghanistan. "Mummy!!" Natalya yelled running into her mothers arms. We ran over to her and hugged her once she finally put Natalya down out of her arms. She began to cry when she finally got to Gemma and I. "Oh my gosh, you guys look so different." She said. "Us, you." I said wiping tear that ran down her face. She pulled me in for the longest hug. I hear the cameras flash behind us as she let me go this is gonna be all over press tomrrow.


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I can't be live I'm finally home and seeing my family. We walked out of the airport and out to the cars I got in the car with Harry. "So sis where is Dave?" Harry asked. "Umm,that's what I have to talk to everyone about." I said. "What's going on?" "I rather just tell everybody at one time." I said as we pulled into the parkway of a beautiful home. Once Harry turned the car off I got out and got sleeping Nata out while Hazza got my bags. We walked inside and dad took Nata up to her room while Haz to my bags to mine new room. I walked into the living area with Mum and Gemma an waited for Harry and Dad to come back down before I told them the news. Soon they came back down with smiles on their faces and sat next to mum on the sofa while Gem to the Love sit. I stood infront of the Tellystand as I began to talk. "So Dave is paralyzed from the waist down 3 months ago. So they flew him home the doctors say that there's a chance that he may not make." I said with tears in my eyes. Mum and Harry came to my side quickly to hug me. "How are we going to explain this to Nata?" Dad asked. "I don't know dad,but I have to tell her soon." I said as mum wiped tears from my eyes. This is really gonna be hard for me, but mostly for her.

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