Fight Night

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Harry ~age 23~

Gemma Pov

  Friday night is all new this week.  Friday is fight night for Y/N. Yep my little sister is a boxer and tonight she will be fighting Chasmine Morwy. Everyone is going to be there from the lads including Zayn, Mum, Harry's band and me.  I know why not Harry? Well Harry doesn't know Y/N fight and it's best it stays that way.

"Gemma we have to be at the center by 4 because I have an hour of practice."  said Y/N walking down stairs with her boxing gear. "Let's go." I said taking my phone off it's charger, getting my keys and walking out behind Y/N.

"Bye, love don't stress yourself out love everyone will be here to cheer you on."  "Love bye." said Y/N getting out closing the door behind her and walking into the arena. Now off to get dress the get Mum and met else everyone here.


Right hook, left hook, Dodge, repeat. "Let's go Y/N focus is good. You can take a break." Laura said. I walked over to the corner to get some water and to take a breath. "I know your nevous, but don't worry you're gonna kick some ass out there tonight." "Yeah I hopes so cause I don't want to let anyone down." I said stepping out of the ring.

*Skipping 30 minutes before the fight*

Here  I am pacing back and fourth before the fight. Chasmine  Fucking Morwy. How can you not paste? "Y/N pep talk." Laura said calling me over to her and the rest of my team. Maybe they can calm me down.

Harry POV

Everyone's busy tonight, but they want tell me why. So I guess I will go to the fight by myself.  After I got dressed and walked out to my care and started to the boxing match.  I didn't take me long to get there and when I did it was nearly full.

It is suppose to be some new fighters fighting tonight. I turned the engine of my car, got out walked over to the person taking the ticket and gave it to him. "Enjoy the match."  "Thanks."  I said walking inside.

*Shipping to the fight*

I could have sworen that I seen my family here,but maybe not. "Now in this corner weighting at 190 pounds in this corner all the way from America, Chasmine Morwy."  Chasmine walks out and everyone including me cheered.

"Now two time winning UFC champion right here from Holme Chapels Y/N Styles." I can't believe my eyes or ears. I watched as my sister walked down to the boxing ring. What in the lovely hell. Everyone cheered as Y/N made her way into the ring.

So that was everyone and this is why they blow me off tonight. When was Y/N going to tell me about this.  I can't believe she don't this.


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   My eyebrows is bleeding. I have a split lip and a bruse under my eye. This is the third round and Chasmine as in worst then me. I all I have to do is hit her with a left hook and she's out like a light. "Come on Y/N!" Laura yelled from the outside the ring.

I walked up to her she throw a punch, but I dodge it. I connect my left fist to her face and boom. She's out like a light.  "1,2,3." Everyone cheered. "Our new champion Y/N Styles."  The crowd scream and cheers. I waved and threw air punches to the crowd.

I smiled at my family. There was a familiar face in the crowd and I immediately looked away. Harry waved back and smiled with anger.

I made it backstaged and was ambashed by Harry. "Great show you put on out there. I honestly didn't think it was you until I heard the name Styles."

"Let me explain."

"No. I just want to why you didn't tell me about this. What if you go hurt?" He asked.

"I knew you would say this. You get overprotective at times. I just wanted something to myself. I need this to relieve anger and other things, and I couldn't do that with you on my back telling me not to punch hard or to not forget to apologize to the people I win against."

Harry just laughed and walked to hug me.

"I forgive you, but I'm kind of worried about you. You will get hurt in this industry." He said. Maybe he was mad and just didn't show it.

"I'm going be ok, but we do have a celebration to get to." I grabbed his shoulders and jumped on his back.

"Have you gotten heavier?" Harry asked and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I can still beat your ass senseless." I said back as we meet our friends at the door.

"And I'll call the police when you do!"

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