I got a Tattoo

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Request for BishHhhh01

Harry ~age 17~

Keisha pov

A couple of days ago I got a tattoo with Harry knowing. I having been hiding it pretty good. I'm currently with a friend at the mall doing some shopping. "Keisha when are you gonna tell Harry that you got a tattoo?" Aria questioned. "Not to soon Aria he would kill me." I replied looking at a Tringle bikini.  "I just think you should tell him before we go to the beach today." She said. Aria has  a point. After a ton of shopping we went back home to get ready for the beach. "What took you guys so long?" Harry questioned. "Miss I don't know what bikini looks good on me had to hit every shop in the mall to look for one." I said. "Well hurry and get changed out we will be waiting." Liam said as the took everything out to the car. Aria and I walked up to my room and she took the bathroom. Took off my clothes and quickly put on my bikini. I looked at the bold words on the side of my stomach. "Hey Keis-is that a tattoo?" Haz said walking over to me and looking at the words. "To be loved;To be in love." He said aloud. "I got it a couple of days ago and I've been hiding it from you I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I said. "No,it's fine. Why did you get the 18 lyrics?" He questioned. "It reminds me of you if I'knot around you are if you're gone I'll always have a piece of my big brother with me." I said looking at the tat. "Aww Kiesha that's so sweet." Haz said hugging me. He took it really good.

Harry pov

I can't believe Keisha got the 18 lyrics tattooed on her side. I vs my be mad at her for that. Here we are on our way to the beach when 18 comes on Kiesha's mix and she song along happily. We finally made it to our destination. Time to have some fun.

A/N: Here it is BishHhhh01. I hoped you liked it. Please remeber to


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