Girls Night Out Part 2

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Harry ~age 23~

     Y/N POV

Saturday night  you already know what that means another annual girls night out. I just finished getting ready. I walked down stairs with the tail of my beautiful red dress flowed behind me. "Haz I'm leaving I'll see you later." I said grabbing my keys from the key hanger in the foyer. "See you later love be safe." Harry said from the kitchen. I walked out to my car and started the engine, I put on my sit-belt and started to Mel's house where she awaits me with London. I pulled into the park way of Mel's house turn the car off and walked inside. "Girls!" I yelled from the foyer. "We're upstairs in MK's room!" London yelled back. I walked up to Mk room to see London fully dressed and Melody sitting on her bed still in her PJs. "Why aren't you dressed?" I asked sitting down beside her. "I can't find anything to wear." She said. "I got this." I said standing up  walked back down stair and to my car. I drove home quickly walked up to my room grabbed her birthday gift, walked back down stair and drove to her house again.  I walked inside up to her room and gave her the gift. "This was for your birthday, but I think you should wear this.'' I said sitting down on her bed.  ''Thanks Y/N.'' Mel said before walking into her bathroom. Soon she came back out with an purple crop-top and short skirt to match. "Let's get your hair done." I said taking the straighteners.  After I finished she slipped on her pumps and we left for the club.

London pov

  So tonight the girls and I are going to the club, but it not like an normal club. Mel brother owns this fancy club that he named Grown & Sexy.   We climbed in Y/N range rover and started to the night club.  "So I heard from someone that you  girls gave the waiter from the restaurant my number last Saturday." Y/N said with her eyes focused on the road. "Well, he had his eyes on you." Mel said and I giggled.  "So have you guys been talking?" I asked. "Yes, we have arranged a date for next Friday." She said. "Oh my gosh, you're blushing."  Melody said poking her cheeks. I sat up to see her cheeks a bright red. "You are. You like him don't you?" I asked.  "Yes, he's very sweet,  so kindhearted, I awake every morning with a sweet text and we only known each other for a week." Y/N said. "Y/N!" Mel and I squealed. We Pulled into the club to see an waiting line. Y/N parked and killed the engine we got out and walked over to the bouncer. Tonight is going to be so much fun.

  "Hi Tom." I said once we came face to face with him. "Hello lovely ladies, right this way." He said removing the red rope from the small pole and we walked inside. We walked over to our table which is in the VIP section and waited for the bartender to come over to bring us a round of drinks. A couple of drinks later the girls and I are  on the dance floor dancing. "This is fun!" Y/N yelled over the music that my brother is Dj. Tonight is Dj night so why not turn this fancy club into a party place. "Yeah!" I yelled back agreeing with her. "We should do this more!" London yelled and Y/N nodded in agreement.

   *Several more drinks later*


    This is the most fun I have had in all the girls nights we have every had. I sat at the table with the girls just finishing off another round of shots. "Guys I don't feel to go." I said. "Yeah, me neither." London said. "Same." Mel pipped up. "I'll call Harry to come get us." I said taking out my phone and calling Harry.

Harry: This is Harry.

Y/N: H-Haz can you please come get us.

Harry: Love are you girls drunk?

Y/N: N-No Harry we are wasted.

Harry: Okay love I'm on my way. Stay where you are.

Y/N: A-alright


Harry POV

   I laughed at my sister after hang up. I slid on my shoes and grabbed my keys from the coffee table. "Where are you going mate?" Liam asked. "I'm going to get the girl from the club, come with so you can drive my car back?" I said and he just nod. We walked out to my car and drive to where  the girls are located at. Once we got there I spotted the girls standing by Y/N car. I pulled in beside them and got out. "H-Harry is so hot." London said. I just laughed put each of them in the car. I  drove home behind Liam the whole time the girl just giggled. They have really had fun this time around. Once we made it home I took the girls up to Y/N room and gave them changing clothes. "Let me know when you girls are done." I said and stepping out side the door. "Done!" Y/N yelled. I walked in to see them already in Y/N huge bed laying down. "Goodnight girls." I said turning off the light. "Night." they said in unison. I walked back downstairs to get ready for the hours that is going to come soon.  The hangovers.

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