Meeting Fifth Harmony

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Harry ~age 16~

Y/N pov

I have been waiting six days to meet 5h and now the time has finally come. I finished off my make up then grabbed my phone and purse. "Y,N come on we are gonna be late for the meet and greet!" Harry yelled as I walked down the stairs. "I'm ready." I said doing one last check of my make on my phone camera. "Let's go Princess Y/N." Harry said pulling me by my free hand out to the car. He started the engine an we are starting to the arena. On the way there we jammed  to the music that came on the radio until Just hold on came on we turned it all the way up and dance, we almost ran off the road a couple of times,but it was fun. We finally made it to the arena for the meet and greet. "Can't believe you rushed be and no one is hasn't even arrived yet." I said getting out of the car. "You know what they say the early bird gets the worm." Harry said as we began to walk over to the security guard. "Right this way Mr.Styles." He said leading us down a long narrow hallway. "Here is your stop." He said before running back to his job outside. We walked into the dressing room of all the girls. "Harry so glad that you could make it." Ally said hugging harry. "Me too, this is my sister Y/N she is a huge fan." He said with a smile. "Hey, Y/N we have heard so much about you." Lauren said pulling me into a long hug. "This unbelievable I really here with the girls of Fifth Harmony." I said out loud. "Well you better believe it." Dinah said laughing. "Girls you are one in 5 minutes." Someone said picking their head into the dressing room. "That's our cue, see you guys at the concert ." Normani said  as we began to walk out of the their dressing room and out to the arena. I can't wait for the show.

Harry pov

Here we are sitting the arena. Several times I had a few fans come and ask for pictures with me and Y/N. "Thank you so much Harry bring me here for today." Y/N said smiling the famous Styles smile. "You're welcome love." I said watching her as she beamed as the Bo$$ started to play then the girls came out dancing. I looked as she singed and danced to Miss moving on,That's My Girl, and Work From Home she is really enjoying herself.

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