Secretly a Royal pt 2

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Harry ~age 16~

Harry pov

It's been 2 weeks since Princess Y/N came to stay with us. The boys haven't figured out that she is a royal Princess yet and we're gonna keep that way. Sometimes Y/N can be a royal pain in Gemma and I's arse,but it's fine I enjoy having her here with us. "So Y/N what's it like being royalty?" Gemma asked.  "Some people think that being a princess is superficial. That it is about what you wear and how you look. Well it is a little bit about what you look. But more importantly, it is what you have to offer to the world and who you are inside." Y/N said. What she said makes since everyone thinks she living problem free,but  really she as to worry about her kingdom and the worry of taking good  care of her country.  "Its not really like what movies put it to be." I said and she just nod. "My father always said that just because you have a crown in your head and known over the world doesn't mean your a royal or famous it mean that you are true to yourself and true to others." She said crossing her legs as she sat on the floor place the diamond tiara on her head. Sometimes I wonder if she lives life like a nomal teenage girl now I have my answer and she does.

Louis pov
They lads and I had to stop by the store before we came to there house. I quickly went inspire the store grabbed the things I needed. Once I was done I want to the check out line when something caught my eyes. On the cover of  People magazine  is Y/N and get mother  Queen Rosálindá of Costa Luna. The headline has my mind wondering I'm next in line I brought everything including the magazine. I want to the car put the bags in the trunk and hopped in the car. "Look guys looks like Y/N is the royal princess of Costa Luna." I said giving the book to Liam and he read the headlines outloud. "General Kane announces is to marry Queen Rosálìndá,and needs Princess Y/N took come back home,but where could she be?" Liam say finishing the headline. "I can't believe that we didn't know it  was her."Niall said as we started to Harry's place.

Y/N pov

I sat here in the floor staring blanking at the telly. I can't believe my mum is going to get married to that royal asshole General Kane. I have to get back hom to stop mum and this wedding. "I can't let my mother do this have to get back home  do her." I said getting up "No Y/N it's to dangerous you are the Princess and someone would try and kill you and you need to be protected." Gemma said she does have a point but that's  and  my mum and she needs me.
"We're here guys!" Niall yelled as he walked through the living area door. I have to tell them I'm leaving so the wind know I'm just left. "Lads I have to tell you something. " I said pacing the living room. "What that your princess Y/N of Costa Luna?" Louis asked. "Yes how did you know?" I asked and throw the magazine on the table. Great now everyone will be looking for me. "Princess before you say anything we are gonna give you a homecoming dance." Niall said. "What,but I'm not even I school." I said. "We now let us help you be a nomal girl be for you leave." Harry said. I guess it would hurt.

Gemma pov

I have the profect idea. I ran up to my room and called Señor Raphael Y/N royal dress maker to get us dress made and tell him my little plan. This is gonna be so epic. Now all I need is to to tell Lottie,Lou, Fizzy, Ruth, Nicola, and Denise about the masks. This gonna be the best plan I ever had.

To be continued...

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