I'm sorry I forgot

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Harry ~age 18~

Y/N pov

Today is the day of the biggest day in my life. I have a big football championship game tonight and I'm nervous as hell. I can feel my anxiety kick in. "Y/N it almost time and coach want to see us." Alisa said. "Okay." I said running back into the locker rooms.

In once I got there I see my team crowed around Coach Carter. "Ok girls we need to go out there and pick ass tonight nothing more to be said." She said and we cheered to the top of our lungs. "Oh an Y/N as team captain I want you  to put in you best effort to get the team championship trophy." She said.

"You got it coach Carter." I said looking down still think Harry wouldn't make it.  "Now let's go out there and kick some ass!" Alisa yelled as we ran out onto the field. We stood in our formation as commentator said our names. "And now the captain of the team Y/N "fireball" Styles!" He yelled and the crowd went wild as I ran out waving.

I looked into the crowd to see Mum,Gemma, and the lads with  their girlfriends and Niall even brought Theo,but not Harry. I can't believe that he forgot about the biggest game of my life. I so hate him right about now. I guess I will have to get through this game with out his support.

*After the game*

We own the game and now the trophie is ours again. I'm currently in the car with Alisa and Eliza going to the soccer field we grow up playing at. "Here we are girls go enjoy yourselves as we get the celebration ready." Greg said as I grabbed Theo and got of the car. "Wanna kick the ball theo?" I asked. "Yes please." He said. "Stay where I can see you." I said as he ran off after the ball. I walked back over to the girls who are now laying on the bleachers. "What are we talking about girls?" I asked as I laid down.

*After the game*

We won the game and now the trophy is ours again. I'm currently in the car with Alisa and Eliza going to the soccer field we grow up playing at. "Here we are girls go enjoy yourselves as we get the celebration ready." Mum said as I grabbed Theo and got of the car. "Wanna kick the ball Theo?" I asked. "Yes please." He said. "Stay where I can see you." I said as he ran off after the ball. I walked back over to the girls who are now laying on the bleachers. "What are we talking about girls?" I asked as I laid down.

"That time Liza dated you to jump off the top off the bleachers and you did and you broke your arm." Alisa said laughing. "Oh my gosh mum was so mad at me for doing that." I said. We just talked about random things until it was time for us to go home.
Harry pov

I have been at home all and Y/N left the house early. I have been calling and texting her and she as just be ignoring me. I'm sitting on the sofa when she walks through the door. "And where the hell have you been all night?" I question.

"With friends and oh Harry thank you for coming to my big game tonight it really meaned a lot for you to be there." She said. "I'm sorry i forgot Y/N how about I make it up to you go if dressed I'll take you to your favorite food place and then we come back and have a movie night." I said.

She just nod her head. I can't believe I  forgot this was the biggest night of her life.

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