Driving Lessons

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Harry ~age 16~

Harry POV

I have been dreading this day ever since Y/N asked me about 2 weeks ago and I happily agreed, but now I'm regretting it. "Are you ready Harry?" She asked coming into my room with a black snapback on. "Yeah." I said nervously. "Look Haz if you are nervous you don't have to do it." She said sadly. "No I'm fine, come on your lesson starts now." I said walking out of me room door, down stairs and too the car with Y/N right behind me. Let's see how this goes.


I sat in the passenger seat as Hazza drove out to the country side to let me drive so there isn't that much traffic. He pulled over and put the car in park. "Okay,we are going to take our time so drive as slow as you want." Harry said then getting out and coming over the passenger side. I got out and got in the drivers seat, put my foot on the break, put the car in drive and slowly took my foot off the break and slowly put it on the gas. I can say that I'm doing good so far.

We came to turn put on my signal light and made the turn I was straighten the wheel when a truck was coming down the road Harry quickly took the wheel and pulled it to the other side of the road. "I really wish you would stop taking the wheel from me." I said clearly mad that he wouldn't let me drive. "You can't be making moves like that, that car could have hit us." Harry said rolling his eyes.

"Wow, the car was like twenty feet away from us." I said now annoyed with him. "Yet it still could have hit us." he said. I'm done with this lesson I pulled over put the car in park and took off my seatbelt. "What are you doing?" "I'm done with this, I wanna go home now." I said getting out and walking over to the passenger Side and getting in I'll just ask Gemma to teach me.

Harry POV

On the way home Y/N didn't say one word to me. When we got home Gemma car was parked in the driveway and killed the engine of the car got out and walked inside to Gemma sitting on the stair way. "Hey Haz, are you ready Y/N?" Gemma asked. "Ready for what?" I question a little confused. "Y/N texted and asked if I could teach her how to drive." Gemma said. "Yep, let's go." She said. "Hey, Y/N go wait for me in the car." Gemma said and Y/N nodded. "What's with the long face?" She asked as soon as Y/N was fully out the door. "I was supposed to teach Y/N how to drive,but we had and argument when I took the wheel out of her hands." All Gemma did was nodded and walked outside.


Gemma just came outside, I can't wait to drive. "Look Y/N Harry told me what happened and I think that he was just trying to protect you from getting hurt, but you always have to be quick when turning. So you should give him another chance." She said. I just nodded and walked inside with her behind me. "Harry I'll let you continue to teach me how to drive." I said walking over to him. He smiled from ear to ear happy that I'll let him continue teaching me.

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