The Visit

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Harry ~age 19~

  It's been two weeks since I last saw my baby sister and I missed her like crazy. So when I got a call from her asking if I wanted to come over for a couple of days of course I said yes.

I'm currently in my room packing my luggage.

Once I was done I grabbed my things walked down stairs to my car. I quickly texted Y/N for the address, once I got it I quickly got in and drove to her place.

I took me two hours and thirty minutes to get to her place due to traffic and a quick stop to get her a house warming gift.  Once I came I to Y/N house I pulled up to the gate.

I buzz in so Y/N could up it up.

"Styles resident, how can I help you?"

"Hello Y/N, this is your loving brother." I said with a smile.

"Oh, we've been expecting you. Come in."  Y/N said. I put my car in driving as the gates open and I can't believe my eyes.

This is so much just for a nineteen year old. I turned my car off grabbed my luggage and the house warming gift and walked have a knock.

Y/N came to the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey, Harry come in." said Y/N opening the door wider so I could walk in.

I my month completely drop as I walk in. I turned to face Y/N as she close the door.

"This is for you." I said giving her a center piece.

"Thanks Harry. I'll take your bags you can join Mum and Gemma out back." said Y/N placing the center piece on the table in between the two way stair way.

"Thank you love." I said as she took my bags and I joined Mum and Gem out side.

Y/N pov

  I took Harry bags to one of the many rooms then I walked out to join them.

"I'm so proud of you Y/N." Mum said as I sat in one of the lawn seats.

"Thanks Mum." I smiled.

"Yes, this home is amazing." I said messing my hair up with a famous Styles that made his dimples pop.

"Dad would've been so proud of you. This house is so huge I may just have to move in with you." Gemma chuckle. And we all joined in.

This is going to be fun the three if us under the same roof again. Just a little different with out Dad.

This is amazing. I have a great job as an Co-Ceo, a awesome home, and wonderful family. My life couldn't be any better.

This is all I ask for and pray that it stay this way.

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