He Likes Her More Part 4

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Harry -~age 17~

Y\N pov

It been weeks since I last seen any of my family and friends.  Currently I am sitting in Taron house pacing the  living  room thinking about rather I should go home or stay her. "Y\N babe just go home and I am always here if you need a place to come to if anything happens. "Ok." I said walking up the stairs packing my things and walking back down stairs to me Taron at the door. "Do you want me to take you home love?" He asked. "No, I cab drive home." I said bring him into a hug. "I love you be safe." He said letting go of me. "I love you to see you on the flip side." I said walking out of the house and out to my car. The dive to Harry's house is an 2 hour drive I will be there at 3pm. Its gonna be a long boring drive.

Harry pov

I got a call from Taron saying that Y/n  is on her way home. "Guys Y\N is on her way home." I said to everyone sitting the living area." Good, now let's plan a welcome home party. "Mum said. I nod in agreement. "I'll go get everything to make her favorite foods." Gemma said "I'll go with you." I said getting my jacket and walking out to Gemma's car. We made it  to the supermarket and got everything that we need. We made a stop to get Cassidy so she could get Y\ N her favorite candies and her favorite Starbucks drinks. Now we are back home ready to cook and wait for Y\N to get here.

Taron pov

I called Harry an hour ago to tell him that Y\N was on her way home. I got a text from Liam saying that they are having a welcome home party for her. I got dressed and drove to their place before I left I texted Y\N asking her  were she was and she said that she made a stop before full going home. I quickly text her okay and started to the Styles place. Once I made it there I killed the engine took off my shades and walked up to the door. Before I could even knock  the door  swung open. "We have to go Y\N as gotten into a bad car accident." Anna said as they all rushed out of the house and  to their cars. I ran over to my car and follow behind them to the hospital.

Y\N pov

One minute I'm driving down the road the next when a bright light comes from the drivers side. The next I'm in a dark room. "Hello."  Nothing.myI got up to walk around when bright light came on. "God?" I question.  "Yes come to me my child." "Am I really dead?"

To be continued....

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