Best Friends

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Harry ~age 17~

Harry pov

A house full of girls tonight. Well not to full. Y/N is having a couple of friends over for a her annual girls night. She didn't say how many are going to coming over, but she did mention that they girls are fans.

"So tell me about your friends?" I question as I moved around the kitchen helping Y/N with the snacks. "Well, they both were new students they came to school last year and we became close friends. I sat with them at lunch in their first day and showed them around. " "Well,that's nice of you." I said putting M&M in the popcorn.

After mixing the the popcorn and M&M I took the brownies out of the oven. While putting the icing on them a knock came on the door. "I'll get it." Y/N said whipping her hands, walking out of the kitchen to get the door.


  I ran to the door after drying my hands. I throw open the door to see my best friends. "Hey girls." I said hugging them as they walked in. "Hey Y/N." said the girls in unison. "Come on Harry's in the kitchen, he's waiting to meet you." Walking into the kitchen with them behind me.

"Harry these are my friends Ornella and Nicolle." I said pointing to the girls. "Hello, nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you." Harry said walking around the counter to hug them. When Harry pulled back from the hug the girls face was amazing. "Come on girls before you both start to hyperventilate." I said taking them by the hand and dragging them up stairs. I could hear Harry laugh as we walk into my room.

"Did that really just happen?" question Ornella. "Yes it did!" Nicolle said excitedly. I just laughed. "Does he know that we are huge fans?" "Yes he does." I said plopping down on my bed. "So what is on the schedule for tonight?" Ornella question as she and Nic joining me on my bed.

"Well we are going to watch some movies and eat snacks, because my brother was so insisting on cooking the whole kitchen for us." I said shaking my head and standing walking back down stairs with the girls. "Haz, where are you!?" I yelled walking into the foyer. "Jeez, Y/N why so loud?" Harry asking walking out of living room.

"We are going to go start the movie." I said. "Okay I'll join you girl in just in a sec." Harry said. I just nod and walked in the direction of the movie room.

"Wow, you have a movie theater in your house?" Nic said in surprised. "Yeah, but we never use it we are always gone." "This is amazing."  said Nella sitting in the in theater seat as Nic sat beside her  Harry walks in with both the browns and popcorn.

Harry pov

  Ornella her name is Ornella. Why is this happening again. After I got the snacks I walked back inside the movie room to see the girl was just starting 'Girls trip.' I sat down beside Y/N and passed the popcorn to her.

*Two Movie Later*

After watching Girls Trip and Love Actually, we are now watching The Notebook.  The movie is showing the last scene and I hear sniffing coming from where the girls are sitting. Y/N is whipping tears from her face, and Nella do the same. So it is Nicolle.

"Nicolle are you ok love?" I question giving them all a tissue. "Yes, I'm fine it's just the saddest part of the movie. Thank you." She said taking the tissue and whipping her face with it. "You're welcome." I smiling. After the movie the girls went up Y/N's room and changed for bed.

When they were done I walked down to Y/N's room to tell them all goodnight. As I walked down to my room I could her Ornella tell Y/N and Nicolle "Nicolle, can't believe we cried in front of Harry Styles." "Me either." "Guys don't worry he is just a bigger baby he was also crying, I had to slip him a tissue without you girls knowing." Y/N said. Oh I'm going to kill her. I thought as I walked into my room and plopped onto my bed.

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