Secretly a Royal

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Harry ~age 16~

I'm a royal princess from Costa Luna. I had to leave because I was in great danger. So my mum and the royal police put me on a private plane with Señor Raphael who is my royal stylist and Sìr Jacquès who is my royal Guard to London,England to an unknown family. "So Raph what family I going to?" I question curious of about where I'm going to be staying. "Well Princess Y/N you will be staying with Styles family until we find the man who killed your father." He said. I just not my father was killed two months ago and they're still trying to find the man that killed him. "Please remember Princess that you must not act like an royal princess,but like an normal teenage girl." Sir Jaques said. I just nod not really wanting to talk anymore. Never in my life would I have thought my father King of Costa Luna would be killed and leave me over Costa Luna,now I leave behind my mother whom is in great danger,but wanted to stay  and look after our small nation. "Attention Royal family we have landed in London." Pilot said over the loud speaker. "Time to say good by Princess." Jacques said. "Goodbye Sir Jacques and Señor Raphael I'm gonna miss you guys." I said hugging them. "If you need anything Princess just let me know." Ralph said letting me go. I grabbed my Gucci luggage and walked off the plane to be great by an beautiful woman and girl which I'm guessing is her daughter. "Ms Anna this is Princess Y/N of Costa Luna she is all yours." Ralph said handing me over to her. "Nice to meet Ms.Anne." I said sticking out my hand for her to shake. "Nice to meet you to Y/N and please call me Anne. " She said pulling me into an hug. Once she let go the girl was smiling at me. "Hi, I'm Gemma,but you can call me Gems." She said hugging me. "Hi,I'm Y/N,but you can call Me Y/N/N." I said as she leta go of me. "Princess you no longer go by your last name you go by the last name of the Styles." Jacques said. "Ok." I simply said. "Oh,Y/N take off your crown be for you leave or everyone will now it's you." Ralph said before getting back on the plane. I wave to them as I leave with Anne and gems to their house. "Okay Y/N now Harry knows that you are royalty,but his friends doesn't to them i just adopted you and you just came back from a long trip from Italy." Anne said as a pull into the park way of their beautiful home. "Your home is amazing." I said getting out of the car with my luggage and following them into the house. "Harry we're back from the airport with Y/N."Gemma said. Soon enough all four of the boys from One direction walking out of the living area. "Just act normal Y/N don't fangirl."  I Thought to myself. "Y/N it finally nice to see you again." Harry said hugging me. "You to you again to Haz." I said.  "I'm niall,this is Louis,and that's Liam." Niall said. "I'm Y/N Nice to meet you guys." I said waving at them.

6 hours later

Harry pov

I can't believe the Princess of Costa Luna is living with me for a while this is not gonna be easy living with a royal. Before she came I googled her and I found out some things about here. The lads and I meet her awhile back but they don't remember her because she looks so different. It sad to hear what happen to the King,and hopefully they'll find the guy that killed him. The princess is now in the area with the less asking her a ton of question about her 6 year long trip to Italy. "Did you bring anything back from there?" Liam asked. "Yep I brought this." She said geting up and getting the beautiful tiara off of the table.

" She said geting up and getting the beautiful tiara off of the table

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Yep it's gonna be hard keeping this a secret from the boys.

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