Midnight Memories

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Harry ~age 20~

Harry pov

So today Y/N and I are having a little get together with her boyfriend,the lads and the girls from little mix are all coming over for some fun."Harry did you get the drinks from the store?" Y/N asked as she walked into the kitchen. "Yep,there in the freezer." I said preparing the snackes. "I got the movies and the games." She said helping me with the rest of the food. Once everything was finished we took it into the living area where all the furniture was pushed against the walls to make room on the floor. "Should we go and get ready." I said before we both walked back up to our rooms. And got dress. I put on my adult oneie and walked down stairs to meet Y/N.

Y/N And I talked for awhile until a knock came on the door. "I'll go get it Y/N said getting up to answer the door.

Y/N pov

I quickly opened the door to see my living boyfriend Toni standing there. "Hey love." He said kissing my cheek as he walked in. "Hey." I said as we both walked into the living area where Niall awaits us. Not soon after the rest of the boys and little mix came.

 Not soon after the rest of the boys and little mix came

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We watched movies and played twister. "Hey guys wanna play chicken out?" I asked. "Umm,like the broad game?" Liam asked. "No,it's game Y/N and I use to play when we where younger." Harry said and I nod agreement. "Please explain." Perrie said. "It's when you pick a person in our case ask a ton of random dares and if the chicken out they lose,but to make this game better we are gonna have shots of tequila." I said as Niall and Liam came out of the kitchen with the four trays of shots. "Let the games began." Harry said.

" Harry said

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Toni pov

I don't know what the thought about when they was think of this game because some of us are gonna be drunk once this game is over. "Who goes first?" Harry asked. "We will." Leigh-anne said. "Ok." Louis said. "Alright the first dare is to Toni." Jesy said. Oh great there gonna make me to something dumb. "Mr. Mahfud we see you to jump in to the pool-" "Really that it?" I asked. "Oh no you didnt let her finish you have to jump into the pool fully naked." Y/N said and I sat there in shock. "What's wrong ya gonna chicken out Toni?" Jade said. "Nope let's do it." I said get up and walked out to the pool I stripped out of my clothes and have everyone a thumbs up then jumped in. Once I resufaced Y/N was standing right in front of me with a white bath rube. "Thanks honey." I said kissing her cheek. We walked back in side and continued the game. About fifthteen minutes later Lou,Niall,Jade,Perrie,Harry are half drunk we are half through there trays.

Y/N pov

This as been an amazing night this is a nice going away "party" for me . After the game we just we just sat around laughing at how Harry and Niall are acting. I so have to get a picture for this. "Lets take an selfie." I said taking out my phone and going to my camera. We all got together an I snapped a couple of pictures. "We can call this Midnight Memories,no pun intened." I said. "Midnight Memories,baby you and me." Harry sanged. "I'm off to bed guys." I laugh as Toni took my hand and we walked to my room. I posted the picture to instagram and Twitter with the caption Now I get the meaning of midnight memories. I can't want until next weekend.

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