Long Lost Twin Sister

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Harry ~age 16~

Anne POV

Today is the day we finally tell Y/n about her twin sister. She is currently out with some of her friends while Robin, Gemma, Harry, and I get everything set up and ready for she. Passion arrives. "Mum where do you want the cake?" Harry asked.  "Any where but down low." I said placing napkins on the tables. "Anne the guest are starting to arriving." Robin said. I quickly put the chair back in its place and greeted family and friends. I hope this goes as planned.


"I walked through every store  on this bored walk. Can we go home now?" I asked we walked past tourist and everyday shoppers. "Yeah, sure we have been her long enough." Ashley said. "Great." I said as  we walked I really wasn't paying attention when I bumped into someone. " I'm so sorry." She said sticking  her hand out. I quickly except the offer. "Thank you so much." I said looking up at the stranger I bumped into. "Oh my gosh." We said at the same time.

Ashley POV

The plan is down the toilet." I quickly got out my phone and texted Gemma.

Me:Got a problem.

Gem: What us it?

Me : Passion and Y/N have seen each other like face to face, eye to eye.

Gem: Ash Calm down be nice and 'invite' Passion over then the plan will go  from there.

Me:  OK see you in 10

"Hey Passion why don't you come back to Y/N place with us so we can get you another shirt." I said. "Umm... I'm not sure I mean we just meet and I have to be at a gather in  few minutes." She said. "How about we go to my place then I'll get my brother Harry to drop you off." I said. "Okay thats fine." She said and we walked out to my car. This plan is gonna work out.  I drove to Y/N pov fast but safely.

Harry POV

They girls pulled into the drive way. "I mean I understand, then I don't understand, because we both were separated at birth, but you are from America and I'm from the U.K. and also that you were invited to my house by my family." I heard Y/N said.   Then I see them appear from around the corner. "It seem like you have met you long lost twin sister Y/N."  Mum said. "My long lost what now?" Y/N Question. Mum just nod.  "So this is my sister you have been telling me about?" Passion asked the family that as been taking care of her. "Yes it is." The next thing we all  know the girls are crying and hugging. Mum took out the camera and took pictures as Gemma and I recorded it.  This is a began of a new friendship/sisterhood.

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