The Show (Zayn Part 2)

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Harry ~age 22~

Zayn P.O.V

I sat in the car on my way to the arena thinking about how the events that played out hours before and how they will play out once we arrive at the arena. "Zayn what's wrong you have been quite the whole ride here." said mum. "Nothing just thinking." I said as we pulled into the venue parking lot. I got out waiting for Mum, Gigi, and my sisters.

"Oh my God it's Zayn." Someone yelled from the line waiting to get inside. I waved as we walked over to the security waiting at the front of the long line. "I'm Zayn, Harry is expecting me." "Right this way Mr.Malik." said the man. Another guy came out and took his place as he walked us into the bulidling. "Mr. Styles room is right there." He said pointing to a door on the left. We all thanked him then walked down to the room

'Will we ever learn, we've been her before. It's what we know. Stop your crying by its the sign the Times. We gotta get way."

We clapped as Harry and the band finished there vocal warm ups. "Hey you guys made it." said Harry coming over hugging everyone one of us. "Hey Harry." Mum said hugging him. I looked over at Y/N sitting at one of the tables talking to one of the girls that is apart of band. She looked over at us and smile. She excused herself from the conversation and came over to us hugged mum, the Saffaa, Doniya, Waliyha, lastly Gigi. "Hi, Gigi I'm Y/N, it's very nice to meet you."
Y/N said pulling out of the hug. At least everythings going good.


After greeting everyone I walked back over to the table to continue talking with Carmen the makeup artist. "Y/N's you have been acting really weird since guys came back. What's going on?" She questions. "Can I tell you when we get back to the hotel?" I question as the tour manger came in. "Harry it's time to go on stage." He said. Everyone all gather around to do a prayer and did our little chant.

Trisha wished us good luck as they went to take their seats. We walked out on stage as everyone waited cor Harry. He opened the show with Two Ghost. A few hours later we doing Kiwi and looked into the crowd which I have been avoiding all night. I smiled as Harry started to dance like one of the girls in the crowd.

Then I looked over at Zayn to see him and Gigi kissing. My smile faded as I looked away. I shouldn't feel like this Zayn and I broke up years ago. All my feeling should be gone, but there not. I looked back over at them as Harry talked to crowd.

He pulled her close to him as the room several pictures. I looked over at the girls to see them laughing at Harry talking about some guy in the crowd who was very tall. I waved at the girls and they smiled. I scanned the crowd again still trying to avoid looking a Zayn and Gigi. "We have some special guest her to night. Zayn Malik and the Malik family!" Harry yelled as they all came one the jumbo screen.

They all waved and Zayn have a smile before pecking Gigi Gig on the lips. I felt a tear rolled down my face. Why do I feel this way? Why do I still have feeling for someone who isn't mine? Why I am I even crying over him?

Maybe because I haven't dated anyone since we broke up. Maybe because I waited for him. Maybe because I had to pretend to be happy for him when he was with Perrie,now Gigi. Maybe because this was meant to be. Once Harry was done with the last song which was Sign of the Times.

We all waved good bye to the crowd walked off stage I'm not up for and meet and greet. I just to go back to the hotel and cry myself to sleep. "Carmen can we go back to the hotel?" "Sure love,but what do you want me to tell Harry?" "Tell him I don't feel to well and you're taking me back to rhe hotel." I told her.

After she told Harry we both left. Now I have to be ready to explain why I left to Carmen and Harry. Why my life.

Harry P.O.V

My mind wonder off as I posed as for picture with fans. Why did Y/N leave early she didn't look sick. I think I knew what this is about. And why she was crying on stage. I just have to go back to the hotel to glue all the pieces together.

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