Movie Night

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Harry ~age 20~

Harry POV

I have set everything up at my place for a movie night with Gemma and
Y/N. I put extra pillows in the  blanket fort before going to get some of our favorite movies. I grabbed Love Actually, Mean Girls,  both Pitch Perfects, Princess and The frog, Beauty and the beast, and  all three of the hanger over movies. I walked back into the kitchen to grab some more drinks and snacks so we can be fully stocked. "Hazza!!" Y/N yelled walking through the door. "In here I yelled back from the living area. Soon I see her and Gemma round the corner. "Wow it gonna be how it was when we where little." Gemma said jumping up and down.  We walked into the fort and began our movie night.


     Several hours later we are still watching movies. I got up to get more Popcorn for us. After I came back I found Harry and Gemma fully asleep.  I put down the popcorn,cover them with a blanket, but not before getting a quick picture of them. I turned the TV off and cuddle into my sleeping bag and went to Sleep getting ready for what tomorrow fun will hold for us.

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