Prom Night

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Harry ~age 19~

Harry POV

I'm waiting impatienly for Lou and Gemma to finish Y/N look for prom. "Just wait Harry she will be down in a minute." Mum said.   45 minutes later Gemma walks down with lou right behind her. "You have been waiting for an hour and 45 minutes." Gemma said. "Now I give you Y/N Anne Styles." Lou said and down came Y/N in a beautiful black and white dress. "You look....beautiful." Mum said about to cry. "Aww come on Mum don't cry." Y/N said hugging her. "I'm not, you just grown up so fast, it seems like yesterday that you were running from a spider." Mum said. "That was yesterday honey." Dad said and everyone laughed. "Come let's get picture before you limo arrives." I said. "Limo?" She asked looking at me. "Yeah from me to you." I said before posing with her. Afternoon taking several picture it was time for Y/N to leaving. "Bye guys see you later!!"She yell walking to the limo where her friends and boyfriend waits. "Have fun but not to much fun!" I yelled as Gemma hits playful in the chest.


Prom night the best night of the year beside graduation. I sat at the table with my best friend Y/B/F/N. "Let's take a picture." Y/B/F/N said. I just nod my head as I went on my purse get my phone when I noticed Harry left me a gift in my purse. I quickly snapped a couple of picture posting some on insta, twitter and Snapchat then I called Harry.

Harry: How is everything going?

Y/N: Great thanks for the gift Hazza

Harry: You're welcome, don't forget to use It. And remember what I said.

Y/N: I know Hazza protection first so take a condom.

Harry: That's my girl now get off the phone and go have fun

You got love Harry.

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