Your Worth So Much More Than You Think pt2

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Harry ~age 17~

Harry pov

Here I sat in the waiting room waiting for my family and friends to arrive. I have been crying for the last past hour. I sat here with my head in my hands. What have i done. "Harry what happen?" Mum asked with worry in her voice . "I said something out of anger that i didn't mean." I said giving her the letter that Y/N had wrote. Once she read it she gave it to dad and Gemma  who read it. "My poor baby,I can't believe she thinks we don't love her." Mum said. "Who would tell her something like that?" Gemma said. "I did out of anger." I said. "Your anger is the reason why we don't know if my child and your sister is dead!" Mum literally yelled in my face causing people to stop  what they are doing. "Mum come down." Gemma said taking her away from me and taking her  to one of the chairs. I'm so  so sorry Y/N.

Y/N pov

Blackness. I don't see anything  but blackness. It's all over its what everyone wanted. Now I'm finally free and happy. "Y/N." I hear a whisper in the room. "Who are you?" I question. "Y/N." I hear again and this time a light came with it. I walked over to the light it my time to go. "Y/N." It came once again. "God?" I question. "No,silly it's me Marisa." She said and soon came down Marisa with a halo and Angel wings.  "What Marisa what are you doing?" I questioned. "I know you tried to commit suicide Y/N. Why?" She questioned. "I'm unwanted,mistreated,misunderstood,and unloved Risa." I replied. "That's not true,you have so many people who care and love you,and they do you need you,you don't know  maybe you are the sunshine that makes everyone's day." She said. "How do you know this Marisa?" I asked. "I have been watching over you since I died 4 years ago and you tell me these people aren't gonna miss you when your gone." She said moving her hand and a playing of my family came up. Gemma was holding my mum as she cried and dad sat be side the bed that I'm laying down in. Harry holding my hand crying. Once in awhile he would kiss my for head and mumble how bad he was sorry and that i would just wake up. And then their the boys walking back and forth in the hall way out side of my room. "The doctor said that you might not make it and told everyone to say their goodbyes now."She said. "That's what they want Risa." I said. "No it not what they want can't you see that love you and if you were to died everyone would miss you that need you Y/N can't you understand that. Remember the day that I was dying and sat there and you held me in you arms and I told you no matter what happens I will always be there with you,and I didn't want you doing anything stupid." She said and I just nod. "Well that's what I meant now get you arse down there and make me and your future child." She said. "Wait what?" I asked. "That's right Y/N your pregnant with a baby girl." She said and that was the last of her because I woke up. "Thank God your up I'm so sorry next time I'll be there with you no matter what." Harry said. "It's alright Harry I forgive you." I said. "So the doctor said that you where depressed and he also told us something good." Mum said. "Your pregnant!!!" Gemma yelled as the boys walked into the room with teddy bears and flowers. "Congrats Y/N." They said. "Thank you." I said. This day is a new day. Change is soon to come.

8 months later

Harry pov

Y/N gave birth to a beautiful baby girl which see told us and I don't known how she knew. She named here Marisa Lee Styles. She got the name from her best friend that died a couple years back. Y/N is better from what happen 8 months ago and I'm making sure if it. Right now we have the boys and the family over at the house from a famliy day. We are all around sharing some stories from when we are younger and how we did crazy thing when I heard  the baby cry. "I got it." I said to Y/N as she was about to up to her. I walked up the stair and into her room. I picked her up of her baby bed and rock. "What's wrong Prinecess . Do you want to hear a song?" I question her like she could answer back. I began to sing Hallelujah and midway into the song she was asleep."Thank you Harry your so good with here." Y/N said from the door way.  ''No problem sis." I said laying Marisa back in her bed and turning off her light and walking out of her room with Y/N right behind me.  We continue what we where doing . I looked over at my sister to she her smiling at a story mum was telling about me and her when we were little. I'm glad to see her smiling and laughing again. She is an amazing mother sister and friend. She looked over at me and smiled showing her dimples and turned back to mum. Yep I will never let anything happen to Her,Gemma,nor Marisa and that my promise.

A/N: I'm sorry that it took me long to put this i had to make some changes with and if your confused with the baby it her ex-boyfriends who told her to kill her self. Sorry I didn't put it in the first part I was in a rush that day. I hope you enjoyed it.


Love Jasmine

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