Luxray x reader

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You had an immense crush on Luxray. He joined your guild about a year ago.You walked into the guild and rested your head on the bar."How are you (Y/N)?" Mira asked you.You stretched back as you yawned before falling on your back.You were very clumsy sometimes.You sat back on the stool and rubbed your back,before going back to your previous position."Very tired,I found a really good book and couldn't stop reading" you reply,Mira giggles.

"That sounds just like you (Y/N) once you find a good book you can't stop" Mira says.A shadow loomed over you and you looked up to see Luxray.Your heart started beating really fast,and a blush appeared on your cheeks."L-Luxray what are you doing here?" You ask,you tried not to look at his well sculpted chest.Keyword:tried."Isn't it obvious?" He asks in his deep voice,his tail lashing back and forth so violently you thought it would snap off."N-no not really" you stammer,was he going to confess to you? You started to go into your own dreamworld,like what Juvia does often with Gray."Go on a job with me" it was a demand more than a question.He turned the side of his face that wasn't covered by hair the other way.You thought you saw a light blush,but it could've been your imagination.You look to Mira for help,but she conveniently vanished from sight."Ok,what job do you want to do?" You ask,silently celebrating to yourself for not stuttering."Already picked it out" he shoved a job flyer in your face and you read it over."Meet me in the train station in an hour" he says walking off.

"U-uh ok" you say hesitantly,but he was already out the door.

"Looks like someone has a date" Mira says in a sing-song voice.

"Shut-shut up" your face was steaming hot as your thoughts ran wild about you and Luxray alone and away from the guild.You slowly got up from the stool and walked almost robotic like out the door.Your brain still contemplating what just happened,Luxray out of all people asked you on a job.You out of all the people in the guild,you walked home and got your stuff together.


You had your duffel over your shoulder and you were looking around for Luxray."Your late" you hear a voice behind you say and your cheeks become red again.You turn to see Luxray with his arms crossed looking down at you with an annoyed expression.You did a pouty face,"well maybe because I couldn't find you." You mumble like a five year old would.

"Come on" he turns around and stalks toward the train,you follow behind him.

-Timeskip,due to Mira's matchmaking habit-

You were on the train,and Luxray was across from you.Death glaring at the window so much you thought he would get x-ray vision and melt it.

Luxray's P.O.V


I watched (Y/N) as she was talking excitedly with Natsu about the recent job she was on with his team.She always goes with other people on jobs,but never me.My hands tightened and electricity sparked from them,I wanted to punch out Natsu's lights so badly.I knew if I did I would get yelled at by Master Makarov.I went upstairs and sat on the railing of the fence,I watch the activity below.My ears twitched as I heard Gajeel's footsteps,"what do you want" I growled.Looking back down where (Y/N) was."Listen kid you remind me of me." He says.

"In what way?" I ask,as my tail swayed.

"Before I joined Fairy Tail,same attitude" he replies.

"I joined this guild for a reason" I retort,my tail getting a little more violent.

"Yeah and what reason was that? To beat Laxus in a fight? You were in emergency care for a week" he says.I growl at his statement and snap my head away.It's not like it wasn't true,I look back at (Y/N).She was friends with everyone except me,I was left out."Leave me alone" I growl.

"Listen kid,as much as you want to tell yourself that's the reason you joined Fairy Tail it isn't.There's another reason,you wanted a family,a place to call home.To not be alone."
"Is there another reason you're up here besides lecturing me?" I ask annoyed.

"Gihi,I know you like (Y/N),don't think I don't notice you staring at her from your dark corner."


"Ask her on a job,she'll say yes" he says.

"How do you know it will work?"

"It worked with me and shrimp,just try it sparkplug" and with that he left.

"Tch" I say not letting myself admit it was a good idea.I got off the railing and walked to the request board,I got a fairly easy one.When I asked her and she turned around,I had to hide my slight blush.Why did she have to be so damn cute? Same at the train station when she pouted it took all my willpower not to kiss her.

-flashback ends-

I watched the landscape fly by,a question I wanted to ask (Y/N) but I couldn't.My grip on my arms tightened.

Your P.O.V

You watched the landscape fly by,nervous and excited about the job.Nervous because you were afraid you were going to screw up and excited because you were going on a job with Luxray.*squeal* (Me: Tone it down fangirl) it wasn't long before you fell asleep.You woke up to Luxray shaking you awake,"(Y/N),(Y/N) wake up" he says shaking you lightly.You would've enjoyed the moment,but you being the morning person you were you turned on your side.Back facing Luxray,"five more minutes" you mumble not wanting to leave your comfy seat.You felt and arm wrap around you and you realized Luxray hefted you onto his shoulder.He grabbed his bag and your bag with one hand while holding you steady with the other."Hey! Put me down!" you shout pounding against his back he just kept walking like nothing was happening.Eventually you gave up and rested your elbow on him and rested your palm against your chin.You were close to the client's house."You can put me down now,I'm wide awake and I can walk" you grumble.You felt your feet touch the ground and Luxray's touch on your waist a second longer than it was supposed to be.Your face flushed red and you tried to hide it the best you could.You followed Luxray to the client's house.

-Timeskip because I suck at the part where the client explains the job-

You two were on your way to the monster's lair,you were exhausted while Luxray wasn't even breaking a sweat.You were to prideful to admit you were exhausted.It was uncomfortably quiet,Luxray stopped and you bumped into him."Hey! What the-"
"Shh" Luxray smacked his hand onto your mouth to make you stop talking.Just then a giant monster appeared and swiped at the two of you.

-Timeskip due to the fact I suck at fight scenes too sorry if you're getting annoyed-

The monster was defeated and you were badly hurt,though you wouldn't let Luxray know that.He was pretty beaten also,the two of you left the clearing and went to collect your reward.You accidentaly tripped on a root,and instictively grabbed onto Luxray who fell on you as you two just happened to be walking down a hill.You tumbled down,until you two came to a stop.Luxray on top of you.You blushed a very deep shade of red,there was a rumbling in Luxray's chest."L-Luxray are you p-purring?" You stutter,he looked away.
"Yes" he whispered so softly you barely heard it."I love you (Y/N)" he said,looking straight into you (E/C) orbs.It took you a minute to register what he just said,you pulled him by his collar and his lips met yours.He stiffened and your face was so red it would send Erza's hair running for it's money.You felt his tail wrap around your waist pulling you closer.When you two broke for air,Luxray had a light tint of pink on his cheeks."So does this mean we're-" you cut him off with a kiss."Does that answer your question?" You ask.He chuckled,a small smile on his face.He got up,"come on we should get our reward." He says holding out his hand,you grab it and stand on your feet before falling to the ground again.You suck in a breath "I think I sprained my ankle" you hissed out of pain.You felt an arm under your back and legs,Luxray lifted you up bridal style.He was so warm,it didn't take you long to fall asleep in his arms.

So how was it for my first one shot EVER! I have several google docs where Luxray joins Fairy Tail and the picture is what Luxray is supposed to look like.I think it's a pretty cool picture.Yes,Luxray did look up to Laxus as a kid then wanted to defeat him.So yeah that's all I have to say about this chapter.Favorite,follow and tell your friends until next time Ft fan over and out.*Peace sign*

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