Requested by Naturewarrior300
Their Reaction to Your Kidnapping
Nightwing will be like, super pissed but try to keep a level head and think this out logically. He ends up snapping at a member or two of the Team before Miss M or Tim suggests that he should take a break. He'll spend his 'breaks' punching the crap out of a punching bag and trying to come up with a mental plan on what little information he has to save you. He won't rest until you're back in his arms.
Impulse will freak out, a lot and stress eat, a lot. He will also overreact to every piece of information that is discovered and will become so restless he'll try to literally bounce off the walls to get the extra energy out. Nightwing has to tell him not to do that in case if he gets injured and can't save you. That sets Impulse's behavior a little better, but he'll still be restless and tap his foot or start randomly vibrating in the middle of planning to save you. He's also ready to fight anyone who suggests they should just leave you with your kidnappers, even if it's Batman.
Wally does the same thing as Impulse, except for how he takes his restless energy out. It's more of a negative way, he'll snap at anyone or anything that mildly aggravates him. Seriously, Artemis caught him yelling at a mayo jar before punching it because he wanted mayo for his sandwich. He also stress-eats a whole lot more than Impulse, throughout the duration of your kidnapping Wally will never not be seen without food. He also has a lot of emotional breakdowns and cries at the stupidest things, like after he punched the mayo jar he kinda pretended to do CPR again before hugging it. He misses you a lot and is determined to get you back, bby boi can't handle you not being there with him.
Beast Boy:
Beast Boy freaks out worse than Impulse and Wally, he'll yell at whoever last saw you because he believes they're at fault for letting you out of their sight (yes, even if it's Nightwing). After like, two minutes Miss M has to psychically knock him out. This happens pretty often at first but then he'll start ignoring that person because he'll still think it's their fault. When all the meetings clear and the missions are done for the day he'll go to his room and hug a pillow, he'll try to pretend it's you and tell pillow you about everything that's happened and between every other sentence he'll say either 'I miss you' or 'I love much' Miss M gets a little worried for him but won't say anything. Though she's readier than Beast Boy to absolutely bring your kidnappers hell, beacuse without you, Beast Boy becomes broken.
Blue Beetle:
Jaime thinks it's a joke at first, like there's no way you could've been kidnapped, but Impulse tells him it's for real and a 'o shite' expression appears on his face. He'll freak out a lot too but try to keep a somewhat level head thanks to his scarab. Jaime becomes a little depressed, he always expects you to be next to him smiling but you're never there. His depression episode gets like, kinda bad. He doesn't really eat and no longer jokes with Impulse anymore. Scarab slowly becomes concerned and deems you necessary to Jaime's health so Scarab begins to run all sorts of diagnostic tests depending on the current information that the Team has and will try to induce Jaime's dreams so he could at least see you there. It improves his morale a little bit, but he still misses you, more than he thought was possible to miss someone.

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...