Rock Lee Headcanons

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Requested by Elizabeth Travis, enjoy my dude 

-Rock Lee has always liked you through the Academy

-You were the only one who didn't make fun of him for his dream

-In fact you offered him encouraging words every day

-You also greeted him by asking how his training is going

-He promised that as soon as he would become a genin he would return your encouraging words

-With declarations of love of course

-And also compliments (lots and lots of compliments)

-Lee gets so self-aware when he's around you

-It usually either leads him to making a fool out of himself

-Or training harder to impress you

-He's surprised you haven't caught onto his feelings

-Even though he gives you declarations of love

-You just thing he's talking about as a friend

-You like to call him: Brocklee (ya know Broccli, no? ok, that's pretty much the only thing you call him tho)
-He calls you: My Love

-You're really dense when it comes to love

-One time Gai took you guys to Karaoke

-Ten-ten insisted on picking songs

-Chose one for you and Lee

-It was For the Dancin' and Dreamin' from that one dragon movie you saw

-You were surprised at the song Ten-Ten chose

-Tho you and Lee got really into it

-Gai was Gobber of course

-Just like in the movie you start dancing and stuff

-Tho Lee changed it the tiniest bit

-At the end he dipped you

-Everyone went crazy

-But Lee didn't let you stand yet

-He was so nervous from what he was about to do

-Was glad Gai-sensei was there to give support

-He waited until everyone quieted down

-"(Y/N)...would you do make me the happiest genin alive by accompanying me on a date? When you're available of course."

"R...really?...uh yeah...sure"

-Cue more cheers

-You went back and found you won best performance of the night that night

-Lee had too many ideas for a first date

-He's been dreaming about this moment for years

-First, he figured he should ask you when you're available

-You were available Thursday

-Didn't really narrow anything down a whole lot

-Eventually he decided on what he thought was a great first date

-He'd treat you to a cafe and then you'll walk around the park

-When Thursday rolled around, he was so nervous

-Came to your house with a bouquet of roses

-You were also very nervous too

-Especially when Ten-Ten told you that Lee meant all those declarations of love as more than friends

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