Yandere! Meowth x Eevee! Reader- Umbreon

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Requested by Pandamaster1625,  I tried my best to make it as yandere as possible even if it's not that good, I guess the angst wasn't with me this week T-T

You stumbled through the forest, your leg hurt from a particularly nasty Grubbin, but how were you supposed to know that you were trespassing on his territory? You could put a little weight on it, but you still curled it in, not wanting to risk your injury getting worse. You ended up on a human path, which you found a great help. Though you stopped when you saw a Bewear, you froze up, praying it wouldn't attack you on sight. But apparently luck wasn't on your side today and the Bewear rushed at you, you freaked out and began limping/ running away before tripping on a root and hitting your head on a rock, which immediately knocked you out.


You woke up and it seemed to be nighttime. You saw you were in some kind of nest, it must've been the Bewear's home. You saw two humans in the corner, they were snoring quite loudly on top of the Bewear that brought you here. You saw a strange pokemon in the corner and was that Meowth? You couldn't tell, it didn't look like any of the Meowth's you knew. You got up and tested your leg to find that it was fine. You got up and left in the dark of the night, the humans must've healed you so you wanted to thank them.


"Hey where'd that Eevee go?" James wonders as they had breakfast..

"Must've taken off in the middle of the night, how rude, it didn't even bother to say thank you" Jessie pouts.

"Shut up you!"

"Yeah well maybe Bewear will find it like how it always finds us, you know?" Meowth asks.

"Probably, where is Bewear anyway?" Jessie asks, only for Bewear to emerge from the trees with honey and food with it.

"Oh there he is"
"No Eevee huh?" James asks the Bewear who shook it's head.

"So how are we gonna catch that Pikachu today?" James wonders.
"Hey guys! I'm back!" You call through the leaful in your mouth. Though only the pokemon understood you as you trotted up to the Bewear's home and tried to drag the leaf bundle with you, finally managing to do so.
"Hmm, what you got in there?" James asks you, as you began unpacking the leaf bundle. When you finally did their eyes lit up.

"Say, how'd a tiny Eevee like you get your little paws on these things? You didn't steal did you?" Jessie cooes as she began petting your head and behind your ears. You shook your head as you began to tell them.
"Uh Meowth, can you translate?" James questions already eating one.
"Oh yeah, she says she waited outside the malasada shop in a nearby human town. They always give her the extras from the day before to give to the Pokemon in the forest who could be starving. Oh, and she says not to worry because she gave them theirs earlier before giving her usual extras to us." Meowth translates.
"Oh, that's very nice of you thank you Eevee" James scratched you between the ears too.

"Ah she says her name is (Y/N)"
"(Y/N)? What a strange name for an Eevee" Jessie comments.

After that you kinda hung out with Team Rocket everyday, giving them your extra malasadas in exchange for honey and fruit. They made this deal after Meowth noticed you were starting to get thinner from sharing your daily food supply with them. You didn't get much food since you weren't the best fighter, you opted for a more friendly approach to things. Meowth would sometimes train with you since Wobbuffet was too stupid to really do anything besides Mirror Coat, it made him a good dummy for target practice and dodging, but other than that not really the best for combat. And you tried to spar with Mimikyu but that pokemon doesn't have any chill and totally wrecked you, so Jessie and James had to step in. Since they were usually on the sidelines eating berries and cheering you or their pokemon on. It took you awhile to recover but it was official that Meowth had to be your new sparring partner. You guys would spar occasionally and it was actually kinda fun. You've been keeping up your friendship with these four, technically five if you count Mimikyu. But you kinda didn't because Mimikyu was kinda a jerk to everyone. But since you had a lot of friends in the forest and you would occasionally invite friends with you to see your progress in a fight against Meowth (especially if they were older pokemon you looked up to and wanted them to be impressed by your skills). But today you had a special someone you wanted your new friends to meet.

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